Posted 3 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
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Hi. We are trying to animate in UE4 sequencer a CC3 character, body and face. For the body we use a Rokoko mocap animation and for the facial a livelink. We manage to have both animations on the CC3 skeleton but you cannot play both at the same time in sequencer as they get blended togheter but with unnecesary bone information. We'd like to do like in metahumans, where they have a mesh for the face and another for the body so they can animate each one separatedly. However I don't know how to export them that way from CC3 or if its possible. Any idea how could that be possible and/or another workaround or a better workflow for basically applying mocap and facial animations on a CC3 character inside UE4 sequencer? Cheers!