Actually the only thing regarding Soft Cloth changed from IC6 to IC7 was the name of the track.
It used to be Soft Sloth and now it is Vertex Animation (new name BTW was introduced with one of the latest IC7 update when RL implemented Alembic Import).
Otherwise, nothing has changed in Soft Cloth Physics since it was introduced in IC6.
What you have to master now, is Collision Shapes.
Collision Shapes are Rigid Bodies attached to character limbs and serve the purpose of stopping cloth from going through the body.
Collision Shapes system is imperfect and it takes some practice to succeed with them. Check the manual.
And some tips not found in help manual:
1. Make sure to start any character animation with Dress (or any other soft cloth) from a T-pose. Give it 60-100 frames and then start your animation with slow blend.
2. Tweak collision shapes to be below soft cloth mesh but slightly above body mesh. If collision shape is going through the dress in T-pose, dress behavior would be unpredictable once animation starts.
3. Activate no more than 16 collision shapes per character (that includes multiple shapes per limb). Only 16 random shapes become internally active if you enable more than that number (and you'd never know which one would be inactive)
4. Get attached set of Collision Shapes and load it for your character. Those are old type but seems to be better than the latest.Then tweak them approx. match the shape of your female character (there is no need to activate shapes for the body parts which do not interact with soft cloth).
A lot of trial end errors in between tweaking Collision Shapes, weight maps and Soft Sloth Physics settings.