Good Day All,
Clifford Jee here. I'm very much a newbie - to both
CTA4 and this forum. Please be patient with me until I become better acquainted with group customs, norms. and appropriate processes.
A few questions I have are:
1. What are the 12 most used commands (buttons/ function keys/mouse control) in
CTA4 and what is the most common way to use them?
2. What is the general layout scheme of the software (m
ain section's name, location, and general purpose)?
3. What is a typical workflow (step by step) process?
4. What is the relationship between the stage and the timeline?
5. How do you most easily zoom in and out?
6. What is the difference between a scene and a background that looks very much like a scene?
7. What is the difference between G2, G3, and G360 characters?
Thanks in advance for your help!