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trouble fitting outfits outfits sticking together

Posted By MycroKen 2 Years Ago
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Posted 2 Years Ago
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Last Active: 8 Months Ago
Posts: 2, Visits: 68
Hello all, I am still really new here with lots to learn but am slowly getting to hang of the 3D world of animation. So many programs and buttons to learn. Maybe I'm just getting ahead of myself trying to create my own outfits. I have purchased may outfits from the marketplace and everything loads and fits fine. I am trying to work with marvelous designer and import outfits into CC3. They are always too small and need to be adjusted to fit even with the same avatar I use in MD. The big problem I have is when I fit say a shirt with sleeves and then after transferring skin weights the garment works but under the arms will stick together. I know I'm missing something, and this issue is so frustrating as I can't get it. I invested in all this 3D as a hobby mainly just for fun. Can anyone relate to this problem and help with the answer to this trouble...
Thank you in advance

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