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CC4 Export to Meta Human

Posted By anandadivine108 2 Years Ago
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It would be wonderful if CC4 could export to Epic's Meta Human. I think it would create massive value not only for devs but Reallusion.

Please consider it!
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Do you mean exporting from CC4 in MetaHuman format?

Posted 2 Years Ago
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Yes exactly!!
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Why do you want to import characters from CC3 into Unreal in Metahuman format?
After all, they both produce characters.
With iClone, you can animate CC3 and Metahuman characters. You can also export your CC3 characters to the UE skeleton.
I'm only asking this question for information, that is, to find out if there is an advantage.
I understand for example transferring from DAZ to CC3 to equip your characters or animate them with iClone.


2 Years Ago by yepkoo
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Wow really? Metahuman has better realtime rendering than CC3 or 4 and Daz (which doesn't have real time rendering). Also If you look at a MH skeleton, you will see tons of joints for accurate deformations that CC3 or CC4 for Lack. The facial deformations on MH is light years away CC and DAZ3D combined. DAZ3d is not an option for real-time as it uses Dual Quaternion skinning.

Because of all these reasons. I would love an exporter for now CC4 to convert my character to MH. With that I can rig it in UE5 with it's exceptional rig. I can do it manually now but it takes many hours, because it has so many joints to get right. Open MH in Maya and look.

Yes the all 3 create characters. But only MH is state of the art, and is the most realistic for realtime possible at the moment, that I s why it has tremendous value.
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Metahuman is the character.

Unreal engine is the realtime engine that is better than Iclone & Daz.

Ghost Origins
My latest Feature length film created with Iclone.

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I wrote it to exemplify why people may sometimes need to transfer assets from Daz to CC.  Let's say a dress transfer from Marvelous Designer instead of a character. So don't get hung up on an article I gave an example.

I haven't had time to examine the metahuman characters yet, and as I said at the beginning, I asked for learning purposes. But for some reason, when asked a question, people sometimes respond in a weird way. Of course, I know which programs do what. By the way, thank you for the information you gave about Real timeSmile

The needs may vary depending on everyone's own project content, and I don't need overly realistic facial animations.
Since CC4 has not been released yet, I can't make a definitive statement like you, but even CC3 will be enough for my game project.

It might be better because of the metahuman skeletal structure. But it doesn't require me to make cc3 look like a disaster Smile
No one would object to CC4 exporting to additional different formats. Extra features don't bother anyone.


2 Years Ago by yepkoo
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"The needs may vary depending on everyone's own project content, and I don't need overly realistic facial animations.".

I'm confused. Isn't Reallusion's Character Creator main selling point on creating realistic characters and facial animation?
I understand that you may not need realistic animation or characters, but that's what they sell, and my suggestion was improving their product line.

CC3 deformations need a lot of work. Problems with shoulders, and try bending the arms you have massive loss of volume. There is no way around this
unless you add more bones. Blendshapes isn't a real solution unless there's bones, this is because Morphs/Blendshapes are linear.

Maybe in the future they will add additional joints to their rig, that would help the deformation a lot. You can also remove them if you are concerned with performance.

Always much love,
Posted 2 Years Ago
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Why do you think the purpose of the program is to produce only realistic characters? There may be people who use it in toon characters.You can even create creature characters, Actorbuild characters for crowded environments, and even a tree character with CC4.

I didn't say I don't need realistic characters or realistic facial expressions. I said I don't need "overly" realistic facial expressions.
However, when I look at the CC4 preview video, it seems that this problem will also disappear.

I am not a character generator.
The reason why I use these programs is to quickly create characters, customize and dress them, and then transfer them to UE by applying animation.
Because there are no other programs that do better so quickly.

I don't know what you are using your characters for, but since I will use them for commercial videos or games, it seems quite enough for me in morphs.
I'm sure it will be enough for me, especially when CC4 comes out.

But I am not against the conversion of CC characters to metahuman format.
It's at the discretion of this company.


2 Years Ago by yepkoo
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Hi All,
An interesting topic and after some research using both products this is my 2Cent observations:
Character Creator has a wider variety of shape deformations and the ability to push past "Normalized humanoid" , raising the possibility of diversity substantially.
The Hair approach is no longer state-of-the-art but is certainly a valid approach for optimized rendering and game industry.
This is in contrast to MetaHuman , with a restricted set of base models and minimal facial and body styling however, it can provide a wide variety of characters (though normalized)
The Hair approach is using individual strands and more in the direction of a VFX pipeline,thus a high-quality and more refined sculpting can be achieved.
both products support LOD so the difference there is minimal.
Look-dev/ Rendering
Character Creator has certainly developed a solid workflow for getting characters and their textures looking nice ,they provide a wide range of extra layers including make up,freckles, skin tones etc.
Rendering quality is okay,( I would say about 85%) certainly usable as distant characters or where close-ups or photo-realism is not a requirement.
MetaHuman is based on scanned assets and textures thus taking longer to produce more base shapes to blend from, The advantage is more realism in the textures and displacement maps.
Rendering quality users newer technology and leverages on their detailed scan textures and curve based hair pushing closer to photo-realism ( I would say about 95%).
Facial Animation
Character Creator uses a large set of blend shapes to provide facial animation, blend shapes are still used in the VFX industry and can certainly reach high levels of realism.
they are easier to understand and implement but require higher memory and processing especially for transitional poses and blending into larger structures ( Jaws, mouth, brow, cheeks, lips) to get full facial animation.
MetaHuman on the other hand is taking a hybrid approach, using bones/joints to take on the general larger shapes and expressions ( open/close/ side movement of the jaw, lips and brow) , using smaller corrective blend shapes on the eyes and mouth.
this is generally faster to process at the cost of set up time and , they also implement displacement using textures to gain a finer granularity of skin defamation and wrinkles.
they have certainly put large effort into finding a good balance for Morphs/Joints as this is the main difficulty.

With its scanned textures and innovative facial rig MetaHuman have certainly pushed the envelope, but only in regards to human characters and within their limited character set. (though slowly expanding)
changing Character Creator to this new technology is no trivial task but if they feel it's worthwhile it would certainly open the door to creating a more diverse set of characters something currently metahuman can't do.
for example, headshot character generation, Orcs,Trolls, aliens or cartoon based characters, a rich set or body shapes and styles, all meta human compatible..

Cheers Curtis

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