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Advice on importing custom creature into IClone

Posted By Peter_737068 4 Years Ago
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Advice on importing custom creature into IClone

Posted 4 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Months Ago
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Hi all,

I've created a creature in Maya that I will be animating and rendering a lot in post but I also would like the ability to animate him/her in real time using Iclone. I know how to import characters through 3Dxchange but all the characters I've imported so far have relied on rigid binding and simple plastic looking materials. This character has fur and relies on blend shapes to aid with the deformation when using the joints. I know you can use blend shapes from Maya in xchange but from the tutorials I've watched these blend shapes drive the complete facial rig where as I have bones driving the deformation with Blendshapes aiding the look. For example adding a frown effect when moving the brow joints. 
So my two main questions are
1: Is it easy to create custom fur in Iclone to look similar to what I already have 
2: Can a rig be created in 3dXchange similar to what I have in Maya? 

Any help would be much appreciated.

Kind regards,

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