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what are the other options for the GetControl parameter?

Posted By frank_461853 3 Years Ago
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what are the other options for the GetControl parameter?

Posted 3 Years Ago
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i asked a question on here the other day but i susect i worded it wrong. 

in a plugin i am writing, in have the line 
 control = thisObject.GetControl("Transform")
what other options are there for the parameter of GetControl other than "Transform"?
i looked on the manual page but it doesn't tell you. i've found one or two various examples use other options but i am unable to find a concessive list or a way of finding one. 

the reason i ask is that in a scene i have created in iclone  some of the lights change intensity at certain keyframes. i wish to programmatically find what those keyframes are.
given that the lights do not physically move but only change in brightness 
 control = thisObject.GetControl("Transform") only retrieves the one key at frame 0 as no movement transformation occurs. 

if example. a light changes brightness three times at frames 600, 180 and  500
     thisObject = RLPy.RScene.FindObject(RLPy.EObjectType_Light, tObJect)
     key_count = control.GetKeyCount()

returns 1 as the light doesn't physical move, but only changes brightness
what i need is the parameter for  the GetControl function  where key_count = control.GetKeyCount() would in this case return three 
a complete list of options  for GetControl would be much appreciated too.
Thank you. 

Data Juggler
Data Juggler
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I don't think this helps you answer your 'What you are trying to do', but as far as the question of what are the other overrides for GetControl?

I don't know the complete list either, but I searched my Python folder by text and found this class which is by Reallusion I think (I know I didn't write it).
It shows a few examples with layer, and Position/PositionX, Y and Z and RotationX, Y and Z, so it looks like some properties are exposed via GetControl.

It would be nice to know all the options.

import RLPy
source_Avatar_name = "1.Base Female"
target_Avatar_name = "1.Base Female(0)"
clip_step = 1
isMirror = True
def get_bone_transform(bone):
   data = {}
   local_transform = bone.LocalTransform()
   local_translation = local_transform.T()
   local_rotation = local_transform.R()
   data["r"] = [local_rotation.x, local_rotation.y, local_rotation.z, local_rotation.w]  # Bone Rotations
   data["t"] = [local_translation.x, local_translation.y, local_translation.z]  # Bone Translations
   return data
def set_bone_transform(animation_clip, bone, time, pose, offset, mirror=False, isRootBone=False):
   bone_control = animation_clip.GetControl("Layer", bone)
   data_block = bone_control.GetDataBlock()
   q_pose = RLPy.RQuaternion(RLPy.RVector4(pose["r"][0], pose["r"][1], pose["r"][2], pose["r"][3]))
   q_offset = RLPy.RQuaternion(RLPy.RVector4(offset["r"][0], offset["r"][1], offset["r"][2], offset["r"][3]))
   q_real = q_pose.Multiply(q_offset.Inverse())
   m_real = q_real.ToRotationMatrix()
   x = y = z = 0
   r_real = m_real.ToEulerAngle(RLPy.EEulerOrder_XYZ, x, y, z)
   data_block.GetControl("Rotation/RotationX").SetValue(time, r_real[0])
   data_block.GetControl("Rotation/RotationY").SetValue(time, r_real[1] if mirror is False else -r_real[1])
   data_block.GetControl("Rotation/RotationZ").SetValue(time, r_real[2] if mirror is False else -r_real[2])
   if data_block.GetControl("Position/PositionX") is not None:
      if isRootBone is True:
         moveX = pose["t"][0]
         moveY = pose["t"][1]
         moveZ = pose["t"][2]
         if mirror is True:
            #moveX = moveX - offset["t"][0]
            moveX = - moveX
         data_block.GetControl("Position/PositionX").SetValue(time, moveX)
         data_block.GetControl("Position/PositionY").SetValue(time, moveY)
         data_block.GetControl("Position/PositionZ").SetValue(time, moveZ) 
         data_block.GetControl("Position/PositionX").SetValue(time, pose["t"][0] - offset["t"][0])
         data_block.GetControl("Position/PositionY").SetValue(time, pose["t"][1] - offset["t"][1])
         data_block.GetControl("Position/PositionZ").SetValue(time, pose["t"][2] - offset["t"][2])
source_Avatar = RLPy.RScene.FindObject(RLPy.EObjectType_Avatar, source_Avatar_name)
target_Avatar = RLPy.RScene.FindObject(RLPy.EObjectType_Avatar, target_Avatar_name)
source_Avatar_SC = source_Avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
target_Avatar_SC = target_Avatar.GetSkeletonComponent()
source_Clip = source_Avatar_SC.GetClip(0)
source_Clip_Len = source_Clip.GetLength()
total_Clip_Frames = int(source_Clip_Len.GetValue()/1000*60)
scene_End = source_Clip.ClipTimeToSceneTime(source_Clip_Len)
clip_Last_Frame = int(scene_End.GetValue()/1000*60)
clip_First_Frame = clip_Last_Frame - total_Clip_Frames 
source_motion_bones = source_Avatar_SC.GetMotionBones()
source_root_bone = source_Avatar_SC.GetRootBone()
target_motion_bones = target_Avatar_SC.GetMotionBones()
target_root_bone = target_Avatar_SC.GetRootBone()
for clipFrame in range(clip_First_Frame, clip_Last_Frame + 1, clip_step):
   clip_time = RLPy.RTime.IndexedFrameTime(1, RLPy.RGlobal.GetFps())
   RLPy.RGlobal.SetTime(RLPy.RTime.IndexedFrameTime(clipFrame, RLPy.RGlobal.GetFps()))
   current_time = RLPy.RGlobal.GetTime()
   frame_source_pose = {}
   frame_target_pose = {}
   for bone in source_motion_bones:
      frame_source_pose[bone.GetName()] = get_bone_transform(bone)
   frame_source_pose[source_root_bone.GetName()] = get_bone_transform(source_root_bone)
   inverted_Clip = target_Avatar_SC.AddClip(RLPy.RGlobal.GetTime())
   if isMirror == True:
      for bone in target_motion_bones:
         name = bone.GetName()
         frame_target_pose[name] = get_bone_transform(bone)
      for bone in target_motion_bones:
         name = bone.GetName()
         opposite_side = ""
         if "_L_" in name:
            opposite_side = name.replace("_L_", "_R_")
         if "_R_" in name:
            opposite_side = name.replace("_R_", "_L_")
         if opposite_side in frame_source_pose:
            set_bone_transform(inverted_Clip, bone, clip_time, frame_source_pose[opposite_side], frame_target_pose[opposite_side], True, False)
            set_bone_transform(inverted_Clip, bone, clip_time, frame_source_pose[name], frame_target_pose[name], True, False)
      target_data = get_bone_transform(target_root_bone)
      rname = target_root_bone.GetName()
      set_bone_transform(inverted_Clip, target_root_bone, clip_time, frame_source_pose[rname], target_data, True, True)
      for bone in target_motion_bones:
         name = bone.GetName()
         target_data = get_bone_transform(bone)
         set_bone_transform(inverted_Clip, bone, clip_time, frame_source_pose[name], target_data, False, False)
      target_data = get_bone_transform(target_root_bone)
      rname = target_root_bone.GetName()
      set_bone_transform(inverted_Clip, target_root_bone, clip_time, frame_source_pose[rname], target_data, False, True)
RLPy.RGlobal.ObjectModified(target_Avatar, RLPy.EObjectModifiedType_Transform)

I watched my first intro video into Python for Blender a couple of days ago, and Reallusion has so much to catch up. 

Blender has 'Intellisense' type help that lets you know all the properties and methods available for each option. With IClone I have felt like everything has been a hunt to find. This is why I wish the Python API was open source, so we could go look at the code and write new code if needed.

Just wanted to subscribe to this in case anyone answers it.

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