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Any advice on switching from Mac to Windows?

Posted By OldRoz 3 Years Ago
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I just got my money back on my defective, 8 month old Mac and will buy a new pc in a couple of days. Has anyone switched platforms, and does anyone have any advice? I am psyched to be able to use iClone now! 
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Posted 3 Years Ago
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You'll find that Windows (especially since around 8, but definitely 10/11) is more like the Mac than you think.  You'll feel comfortable with most things, but the hardest things to get used to are the smallest (the Alt key, for example).

Make sure you get as powerful machine as you can - definitely an NVidia card with no less than 8GB (best are the new 3080/90 cards but they are hard to come by).  

Alienware Aurora R16, Win 11, i9-149000KF, 3.20GHz CPU, 64GB RAM, RTX 4090 (24GB), Samsung 870 Pro 8TB, Gen3 MVNe M-2 SSD, 4TBx2, 39" Alienware Widescreen Monitor
Mike "ex-genius" Kelley
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Kelleytoons (12/3/2021)
You'll find that Windows (especially since around 8, but definitely 10/11) is more like the Mac than you think.  You'll feel comfortable with most things, but the hardest things to get used to are the smallest (the Alt key, for example).

Make sure you get as powerful machine as you can - definitely an NVidia card with no less than 8GB (best are the new 3080/90 cards but they are hard to come by).  

Thanks for responding so quickly!

Husband told me to buy a very good one, and that I have a decent budget. My plan is to get a lot more than the minimum needed. I want the machine to fly πŸ˜ƒ

If you have any experience with switching over from Restore, are there many issues? I have my work backed up on a hard drive and iCloud. My backs ups are on a 4 TB HD. P

Posted 3 Years Ago
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I was on the macintosh from 1989 to 2008 because it was easy to use for a living.
However, Apple hasn't really done any development for 3D.
So I switched to windows which Windows has become as simple as Mac and in some cases easier to access because Apple has completely locked its system.
As Kelly says have a card with a minimum of 8 Gig of ram (I just bought an nvidia rtx with 12Gig).
But the major difference today is that there is a lot more application development on windows than on IOS.
The attached photo is a window finder  and it looks a lot like what I had on my mac.
For the transfer of your data you will have to have a hard disk formatted on 2 systems (one partitions on IOS and one partition on Windows) to allow the transition to a disk formatted exclusively in Windows.
You will have access to Icloud via Windows but I only use it on very rare occasions
3 Years Ago by mtakerkart
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Drives formatted by either Apple OS or Windows can't normally be read by the other system. Several solutions are available to get around the issue. Format the drive as EXFAT, preferably using Windows for the formatting action - drives formatted as EXFAT can be read and written to by both OS and Win systems. Another option is to access the drives over a Network, and yet another solution is to install Paragon HSF+ on the Win PC and leave the Mac drives formatted as they are.

The plus for Paragon HFS+ is that you will be able to read any native Mac drive on the PC without having to jump through hoops reformatting.


System: Win 10 Pro (21H2), Asus X99-E WS, CPU i7-5930K -3,5 GHz, 32 GB DDR4 2666-16 RAM, NVidia GTX 1080 Ti GPU - 11 GB VRAM(Driver Studio-536.99), Samsung 850 Pro 512 GB SSD, 6 TB HD storage.

Posted 3 Years Ago
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The big reason I switched back to PC from Mac (after being a Mac user for about 10 years) was that Apple decided that if your computer is more that 3 years old, you should junk it and buy a new one!  I had a graphics card die and apple wanted me to buy a brand new computer!  They wouldn't even talk to me about my 5 year old computer.  And they make it SO hard to open them now.  Forget it!

Here's what I did:
I went online, researched the parts I wanted, went to the store with a list and asked them to build it for me.  I've got a Fractal case, filco mechanical keyboard, and I've got multiple HDD bays where I've slotted my old hard drives.  Now, if something breaks, I can just pop open the case, unplug the part and replace it myself.
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Thank you, and thanks to all for these very helpful replies. I didn’t really realize until the next day just how fortunate I was to get a full refund from Apple on an expensive computer.

I ordered a total beast from Dell with a Cyber Monday deal!
Posted 3 Years Ago
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I've been a Mac girl for years. This year My mac decided to blow it's SSD and my friends in the art community convinced ne to begrudgingly buy a PC. I got a 16 core AMD processor and an GTX 3090. It has changed my world! But now after many years I'm back to maintaining my PC instead of having a Mac that takes care of itself. I think you trade ease of ownership for raw power. I will say I haven't tried the new M2 Max or M1 Pro Macs yet though. 
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I have a similar setup only I went with theA;ienware R10 with an AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor. Smile
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Although Mac computers used to be more advantageous than Windows computers in terms of power, they no longer have any advantage, just an unnecessary expensive and limited system. I don't think I will use it for the rest of my life.


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