Hey team
I've been making a character in Daz3d and importing it over via the transformer and have discovered a problem where my weight mapping in CC3 doesn't save. When I import my character there is usually a few things that I need to touch up the weight painting on i.e. clothes etc, however when I'm finished weight painting i usually notice it saves for a little while but then reverts back a short time later. It's driving me insane. Is there something I'm missing as far as save options? why would it randomly change back? i find it happens if i leave the project open but un-touched for a while as I browse tutorials etc. or after I've tried out a few poses.
Would love to know if others have this issue and what the cause might be. Have spent a lot of money on this program and honestly I'm on the verge of biffing it for a refund because of annoying quirks like this
Thanks in advance