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Lip sync stops after Edit

Posted By tipton 3 Years Ago
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Posted 3 Years Ago
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I have a good Morph animation, with eh lip sync working, but when i go to change the teeth, lip sync has stopped, even though the track is there, and I can see the various mouth shapes in the time line, but the actual characters mouth has stopped moving?
In composer mode, I can change the teeth. my only option seems to start again from scratch. which is quite a lot of work to redo.

Any steps to be able to make changes, and re-apply the audio?

Posted 3 Years Ago
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I found that if I delete the audio and re-apply it, the synch will regen and fix the issue. I am just surprised this is not automatic after a change.
Posted 3 Years Ago
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I've found this really annoying too. Especially if you've spent ages manually changing the mouth shapes.
Posted 3 Years Ago
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What is the answer?
Does anyone answer questions or do these questions disappear into the ether?
I wish they would just post a trouble shooting manual.
I have reset sprites, deleted keyframes and set head to default key and no luck.
if its a sprite character sometimes doing a release just prior to where sound doesn't work fixes it, but this is a morph character.
Posted 2 Years Ago
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tipton (10/10/2021)
I found that if I delete the audio and re-apply it, the synch will regen and fix the issue. I am just surprised this is not automatic after a change.

Tipton, this is only a partial solution as if you have done any manually lipsync editing, resyncing with the soundtrack would wipe out all these edits.
2 Years Ago by Macdonut
Posted 2 Years Ago
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blgiofreda (12/27/2021)
What is the answer?
Does anyone answer questions or do these questions disappear into the ether?
I wish they would just post a trouble shooting manual.
I have reset sprites, deleted keyframes and set head to default key and no luck.
if its a sprite character sometimes doing a release just prior to where sound doesn't work fixes it, but this is a morph character.

TBH, this is just one of the many little idiosyncrasies of Cartoon Animator which keeps pushing me back to using MOHO. I absolutely love Cartoon Animator, but every time I come back to using it, I find that if I go beyond the very basics, and I mean very basics, I end up hitting my head on a brick wall with one problem or another. It is a real shame that there seems to be so many basic little bugs in a program which should really be leading the field, but unless these bugs are fixed then this is one 2d animation package which is going to disappear into obscurity. Do I sound disgruntled? You bet! Sad

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