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2021 iClone Lip-Sync Animation Contest - Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

Posted By Zeronimo 4 Years Ago
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2021 iClone Lip-Sync Animation Contest - Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum...

Posted 4 Years Ago
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I see that there are more and more entries and more and more beautiful achievements. I think the jury will have a hard time choosing.

For my second entry I used characters I have already created with different versions of Character Creator and I must say it is a fantastic tool for character creation.
Here is a picture of the characters I plan to use.

As you can see these characters are pirates. My entry will be a 30 second excerpt from a pirate song.
The song is called: Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum

With "Audacity" I created a file with only a 30 second excerpt of the song. 

I start the project by creating the voices of each character.
The main character is the Captain. 

In "AccuLips" I start by dropping in the sound track, then fill in the text.
Since my sound track starts with 121 frames of music without words, in the sound part I select from frame 122 to the last word;
and in the text section I select the corresponding text.
I click on "Align selected" to align the sound with the selected text, then on "Apply".

after a few minor tweaks with 'AccuLips' and 'Lips Editor' and when I'm happy with the result, I select the clip and save only the "Facial Animation" part for use in the final project.

As the song has a solo part and another part sung by a choir. I proceed in the same way for the choir part.

Now I just have to create the main project, place the scenery, the light, animate the characters and also use "PopcornFX" for the campfire,
then add the "motion plus facial animation" created at the beginning.
The video has been rendered with the native icon renderer
And here is the result:

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