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2021 iClone Lip-Sync Animation Contest - The Mighty Escanor

Posted By wildstar 3 Years Ago
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2021 iClone Lip-Sync Animation Contest - The Mighty Escanor

Posted 3 Years Ago
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this is my second submission, it's a study project I did so when the new acculips features for iclone came out, unlike the other submission where I use acculips and iclone puppetering tools. here all the facial and mouth animation is done with pupetering , using the mumble function,As  the speech is in Japanese, as I thought it would not be ok , I decided to see what I could achieve using Mumble , the character chosen was from the anime nanatsu no taisai, Escanor, which was created entirely in CC3 using my realistic manga bases created for another project: my movie "Dawn"

I used cc3 assets like hair, and mustache, and the face design using skin gen and cc3 morph sculpt , the clothes are all from cc3 from the Professional Outfit pack, check some renders from iclone engine

where I made some modifications in 3dsmax, I modeled the bow tie, and the belt, using simple modeling,

the biggest work in this project was to make the powerful rhita axe
ahh before i forget, I painted the opacity maps on substance painter to try to make the shirt rip just like the anime.

now the turntable presentation here -----> 

The animation submission here ------> 

Posted 3 Years Ago
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w00t I LOVE it! Great to see more anime fans in the reallusion community! ^.^ Great FX too! 
3 Years Ago by gery.hristova
Posted 3 Years Ago
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gery.hristova (9/17/2021)
w00t I LOVE it! Great to see more anime fans in the reallusion community! ^.^ Great FX too! 

knowing you liked it makes me proud, thank you

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