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Reach Targets by painting colormap -Raycast detection on terrain and objects - for quick locked...

Posted By Ascensi 4 Years Ago
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Reach Targets by painting colormap -Raycast detection on terrain and...

Posted 4 Years Ago
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Set Reach Targets by painting colormaps -Raycast detection on terrain and objects - for quick locked footsteps & quick sophisticated animations
It's tedious to position reach targets for very busy animations, this idea may help solve many issues. The painter from Character Creator could be utilized in iClone for painting Physics Textures on characters and props but also painting a designated colors as reach targets, for example:
#1. Activate Reach color Canvas on terrain (first shown as opaque with adjustable opacity), designate a color for each foot foot then paint on terrain each foot step or drag out a two color tone footstep spline. Nodes in the spline could be enlarged for larger foot spacing.
#2. Activate Reach color Canvas on Animated props like cube or sphere etc - paint swirls or waves in red to the right of the character and green on the props to the left,  when the animated objects move with those colors assigned as the reach colors to the character's hands, the hands or arms will automatically move, rotate etc with the speed and painted shapes of the reach colors on the props.
Animated or static Reach Target Props could be scaled and relocated quickly without having to adjust any character animations. Reach targets by color could also follow animated textures or videos for more sophisticated reach techniques.

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