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iClone Lip Sync Animation Contest - WIP #1 - Butterflies

Posted By Comment.Studio 3 Years Ago
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iClone Lip Sync Animation Contest - WIP #1 - Butterflies

Posted 3 Years Ago
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My first idea is a music video.

This was the first lip sync pass and I had to keep making myself stop adding details to the performance.  I will add those on the next pass.  When I added the lyrics into Acculips, iClone had a seizure and died because Michael Jackson makes a lot of not word sounds when he sings, so I ended up placing all of the visemes by hand, which is good practice since this will be my first time actually making something in iclone.

I did the first pass with this stylized character from Angel Alonso's Adventure Bundle.  I really like his performance, this is a really nice model.

I got curious what the animation would look like on a realistic character, so I swapped in this Daz-Reallusion hybrid character, and I think it looks cool too.

Let me know which one you like best.
Take care!

Posted 3 Years Ago
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Nice... I prefer the second one. Wink

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