I`ve carried out further "trial and error" tests today. In addition to my MTS files I`ve used some HD and standard def MP4 files from a Sanyo camera.
Used a variety of software (as detailed in my previous posts above) and output options to try and convert to a file format which was usable in PVC2.
WMV: None accepted by PVC2. "Video Codec is missing" report on every occasion. These WMV files, however, play in my media viewers, video editors and IC4 without issue.
AVI: A wide variety of options in both HD and standard def to try in this file format. Many import to PVC2 but, even prior to adding the keying, show various problems. In particular a kind of Interlace fringing or a strange grey ghost offset in the PVC2 preview screen (Illustrated in a previous post). These are not apparent when the same files are viewed with media player etc. Those avi files that don't exhibit these unacceptable effects and play correctly in the PVC2 preview screen sadly fail the final export. How contrary and frustrating life can be at times !
Mov: PVC2 seems very unhappy with this file format. High quality files slow the software to unusable. The preview screen stalls on first frame, controls "lock". Even with a low quality/small file size Mov file the preview screen stutters and keying controls etc are slow and unresponsive. I have, however, successfully created a poor definition popvideo from a low quality/small file size MOV file after a very,very long export time.
I have not made or tested any mpeg1 files.
Best news....
I have now found one pipe line I can use for MTS to PopVideo. It involves a double conversion process.
MTS files converted by HDvoltaic to HDWMV.
Import HDWMV to Windows Movie Maker.(Forgot I had this software on my computer)
Export file with the only avi option available.
A good quality standard def avi which imports into PVC2 and exports successfully as a usable cropped transparent background popvideo. :)
What does the only avi export option in Windows Movie Maker do that makes the file compatible with PVC2 when all the various avi files produced by my other software are so problematic ?;)
Hope this info is useful.