Posted 15 Years Ago
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 9 Years Ago
Posts: 10,
Visits: 15
included ? / if not some basic improvements
import: keep the points = reimporting the Model-picture without to set the points again (f.e. i have same motives in the pic in diff. colours, with diff. backgrounds/logos in the pic)
output: set samplerate/encoder/kbps of the audio
in general: more than 4 objects to animate
number of marker points: possibility to set as many points as you want (f.e. if u have a mouth with many/different edges or some salient/over the lips viewable teeth the actual 8 ? are much to less)
save exportsettings (video encoder, videoformat, ...) with the project its annoying to set each time the same settings again and again
possibility to use heads/faces that are not centered (f.e. eyes not on the same horizontal line) , cause at the moment the head animations don´t work properly for those.
btw.: 1. the official contactform is not https, so you should not ask to send the full serial. 2. by using the internal updatecheck the website wrongly say last Version : 6.12.0923" but last version is 6.13.xx
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 15 Years Ago
Group: Administrators
Last Active: Last Year
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Many thanks for the feedback. They will be passed to the development team for review. :)
Peter Forum Administrator www.reallusion.com