Posted 4 Years Ago
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Hey guys! Does anyone know if there's a video, tutorial or article that talks about how to do project management in the Reallusion ecosystem? I just feel it gets really confusing and hard drive space intensive. Like the same asset can be a project saved only on your windows folders, or on the project tab, it can also be an iavatar. Then you have one of each of those in Character Creator and one of each in iClone. Oh how I wish there was a way to keep these two synched up or to access the content from CC from within iclone and viceversa, instead of having to import /export it every time.
And if you are sending it from CC to iclone and viceversa, you have to save/replace it on each place (Windows, Project and Avatar) side each time, and then you have no idea which one is the latest version, specially if you left the project for a while and you are retaking it.
And if it is a set, it can get even more confussing since a set can be a scene, a project, a stage, a prop, and you can-t really drag and drop/replace stuff from within the content manager. Geez it gets super confusing!!! And also, you can't do asset referencing like in maya or really most other 3D softwares, so each asset is local to each file, so each file is super heavy and if you have several characters and assets on each scene they are crazy heavy and if you are versioning for backup, GEEEEEZ it gets crazy hard drive intensive. Is there a video to understand how to do project management in the best way? I haven't found it Or does anyone have any suggestions in this regard?
Sorry for ranting on the subject, just feeling a bit frustrated with how the workflow/asset management is designed... any help, guidance, orientation will be highly appreciated.
_________________________________________________ In love with Virtual Production with Reallusion and Unreal! :D
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Black text on Black background is GREAT :w00t:
Toystorylab on Vimeo : 75% of original size (was 671x19) - Click to enlarge Crassitudes (my "Alter Ego") on Youtube: 75% of original size (was 671x19) - Click to enlarge
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EDIT Now White on Black...
Hey guys! Does anyone know if there's a video, tutorial or article that talks about how to do project management in the Reallusion ecosystem?I just feel it gets really confusing and hard drive space intensive. Like the same asset can be a project saved only on your windows folders, or on the project tab, it can also be an iavatar. Then you have one of each of those in Character Creator and one of each in iClone. Oh how I wish there was a way to keep these two synched up or to access the content from CC from within iclone and viceversa, instead of having to import /export it every time.
And if you are sending it from CC to iclone and viceversa, you have to save/replace it on each place (Windows, Project and Avatar) side each time, and then you have no idea which one is the latest version, specially if you left the project for a while and you are retaking it.
And if it is a set, it can get even more confussing since a set can be a scene, a project, a stage, a prop, and you can-t really drag and drop/replace stuff from within the content manager. Geez it gets super confusing!!! And also, you can't do asset referencing like in maya or really most other 3D softwares, so each asset is local to each file, so each file is super heavy and if you have several characters and assets on each scene they are crazy heavy and if you are versioning for backup, GEEEEEZ it gets crazy hard drive intensive. Is there a video to understand how to do project management in the best way? I haven't found it Or does anyone have any suggestions in this regard?
Sorry for ranting on the subject, just feeling a bit frustrated with how the workflow/asset management is designed... any help, guidance, orientation will be highly appreciated.
Toystorylab on Vimeo : 75% of original size (was 671x19) - Click to enlarge Crassitudes (my "Alter Ego") on Youtube: 75% of original size (was 671x19) - Click to enlarge
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Sorry about that, it's been fixed :P
_________________________________________________ In love with Virtual Production with Reallusion and Unreal! :D
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Project Management is a major problem with all kinds of media-intensive projects. I have managed, shows, movie projects, website design, animation, etc. It is always a challenge. I have spoken with this company about making this software for generic animation projects. It is very expensive.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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But that looks more like a production tracker... I'm talking more about asset management and just how assets flow back and forth through the workflow/pipeline
_________________________________________________ In love with Virtual Production with Reallusion and Unreal! :D
General Picture Animation
General Picture Animation
Posted 4 Years Ago
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My guess is if there is a management problem with projects, it's the fault of the poorly-designed project management strategy on the part of Character Creator.
Animating now to life itself --Walt Whitman
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You need those folders if you have CC3 Pipeline. If you have CC3 Pipeline, you don't need iClone 7. CC3 and iClone, have different file extensions for characters. CC3 and iClone accept iProps. Maybe you should have a shared template folder for both. But if your project has animation in it, that will not work in CC3. Because, CC3 only uses the first frame from an animation to create a pose for your character. If I have 5 to 10 saves from a project, I just delete the earlier saves to create more space.
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I have storage problems with my projects too. When I am working on a project, then I get a new idea and drop the project I am working on and start a new project. Maybe we should set up the project folder like a table of contents. Name the folders for the type of project you are doing (Comedy, Drama, SciFi, Romance) In Hollywood, they reuse the stage props many times on different TV shows and movies. You may have the same prop or clothes in 3 or 4 projects. That takes up space too. Reallusion gives us the tools to create our projects. They don't know how big or small our projects will be. We have to be responsible too in how we save and store our projects.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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For a specific project I have one main folder with subfolders for Scenes, Locations, and things like that. Likewise for Characters and Props that belong to a specific project. There is actually a way in iClone to collect things that belong together without duplicating them but I don't use that option. There is tab on the right called Package. Select Custom and there you could organize necessary assets. I forgot how to do that and there doesn't seem to be any useful information available.