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2021 iClone Lip Sync Animation Contest -"You're A Strange Creature" WIP1

Posted By Ascensi 4 Years Ago
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2021 iClone Lip Sync Animation Contest -"You're A Strange Creature"...

Posted 4 Years Ago
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Man, I shouldn't be posting things so late at night, the spelling and grammar is just awful ;)
Hi everyone, this a WIP, I hope you enjoy this soft body Troll character. I loved creating the character and the music to go with it!
So far I've used Zbrush, Acculips, Face Key, Leap Motion, Faceware but not yet for facial mocap. I'm planning on using my Perception Neuron 1.x
to do his repulsed reaction to you soiling yourself ;) :laugh: - he doesn't like seasoning on his food.
There was no post effects used, the lightening is a texture, everything was rendered with iClone.

Good luck to everyone! I've seen some great projects so far. In my work-in-progress video, I give some hints how others can make similar although it's quite involved and may interfere with time to learn and produce something substantial for the contest. 

My project is a Troll Character with Soft Body Character Physics as an Experiment
I've worked the character so that it has SSS on his poison puss filled balloon nodules on his skin and the audience will see light shining through it as if looking at light shining through a balloon as it giggles with the physics.
Character creation Process 
I sculpted and painted the character in Zbrush as well as creating the physics textures. 
I used Zbrush to split the character's face from the body, exported it to retain UVs and exported the full character from CC3 to copy and paste the weights from the original character to the now two peace character mesh. Once I imported the character back into CC3 with the FBX Key and the new cloth body, I had to convert the face mesh to the beard system to be able to track the morphs. It was essential that the original character remained visible in the scene for morphs to be tracked but I disabled all the original character model's materials so only the cloth Character remained visible.
By design I made the face mesh cutout have a bit larger overlap so I could use an opacity map to blend the face with the body. Because I'm also using displacement, it is incredibly important to make sure that when the two parts in Zbrush are together that with displacement they are seamless.
As you know, soft body physics can drive more realism to a character. In this project I started out as a couple Trolls skydiving with a comedic spin using wind physics but when I added the Morning Lut filter it brought out details in a way that made it look serious and creepy, then I composed music to go along with it.
I used Acculips for the main lip animations, changed some areas with the Face Key editor.
Leap motion was used for the arm & fingers and later the 32 Node Perception Neuron 1X
Sculpting and Texturing
The character is using displacement maps created from my Zbrush sculpt. For this project I really needed for the character to have big skin wrinkles and blobby nodules to bounce around to show off the physics.
Color is important, having more is better than less because you can dial it down later if needed and it gives you flexibility to try new color variations.

Store Page Link 
76% of original size (was 665x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/906a14b0-c792-4382-99ee-7dfe.jpg
AMD 4.5 GHz 16 Cores  | 128 GB | RTX 4090 | Window11 | Houdini FX 18.5 | Zbrush 2023 | Maya 2014 | Adobe CS6 | Sonar Producer X3 | iC8, CC4 | DTS Master Audio Suite | Perception Neuron 32 Alum Edition | Akeytsu 

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