Good thing someone reminded me about this one.
I think we should have an ability to select a calibration motion of a choice in CC. Any motion should be automatically converted to *in-place* motion (pivot constant 0) and have it available in all Edit modes (not only in Weights Edit).
iClone is OK for that, but it is not a place to identify pock through problems (for multiple garments sometimes).
Lighting, environment, props, other avatars, a heavy loaded project... All of it makes it hard to catch pocks under those conditions sometimes and then you render and get upset seeing you missed a couple.
And then constantly sending a character back and forth between iClone and CC takes time (specially heavily textured).
For now, there is a hack. You can backup and then replace
C:\Program Files\Reallusion\Character Creator 3\Program\Assets\Creator\Calibration.iMotion with .iMotion of your choice and then fire up calibration in Skin Weights (requires CC restarting sometimes).
It's good if you fixing weights. But unfortunately if you fixing Mesh in Edit mode, you can only have the last pose you set in Skin Weights. So it's back and forth between 2 modes.
In-place motion can be made by Resetting Pivot (RMC on motion clip in iClone) and then saving as .iMotion file.
So you don't pay much attention to pocks while animating a character in iClone. When done and finished, save a project, merge all motions, Reset Pivot, Collect Clip and save as iMotion file (you can reload your project after that).
Now you replace calibration clip with your custom one and carefully inspect in CC every frame under good lighting condition and without hassle of running animation in a heavy iClone project.
Just to add - do not forget, you can always hide the mesh of character's body and mesh for lower layers of cloth and then check Delete Hidden Mesh on Export (for those exporting to UE).
Someone had made similar request in FT about Calibration clip availability in any CC mode. I have added a comment about custom calibration clip: