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Online Courses

Posted By JasonWynngard 4 Years Ago
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Online Courses

Posted 4 Years Ago
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RL does a nice job with video tutorials - BUT - mouse cursor movements tend to be too quick. And overall, instruction is a bit hurried. For those of us who need better paced learning, I'd like to see RL offer courses via a website called FutureLearn. One can learn at their own pace, go back to repeat and absorb, thus really learn. As opposed to having your head dunked into the water and being told, "There! You've been baptized."  :-)  Seriously, I hope RL does explore using FutureLearn for self-paced courses.  https://www.futurelearn.com/search?q=animation

Omen HP17t ck00 -- Windows 11 -- 32GB RAM -- Two 1TB Crucial M.2 NVME Drives -- nVidia Geoforce RTX 3070 -- 11th Generation i9 -- LG 32" QUHD Monitor

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This is something that I've wanted and searched for, for some time. But was left to start piecing things together from what RL, YouTubers, and the amazing minds of people in this forum have put together, and my own experiments. There are some great "teachers" on the forum that love helping people and often create videos based on what they've been asked.

Even if there was just a curated learning path of what has already been created, it would be nice. But there are so many paths and industries you can use these tools for, it would be hard to create something for everyone. Not promising anything and definitely no timeline, but I'm working to put something together with a focus on using these tools for games. Can't really say anymore about it right now though.

If you haven't already, I would recommend attending the live webinars if you can. They dig deeper into how to do things and usually have Q&A at the end.

If you do come across a good course, please let me know!
Posted 4 Years Ago
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There are some courses on Udemy for various RL products.


A complete iClone 7 course is only in Spanish, unfortunately.

For YouTube videos I use the slow-down setting, because many of those (not just RL) are to fast for me as well.

Posted 4 Years Ago
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Miles, thanks for joining and commenting on this topic. I agree, there can't be a something for everyone course offering. However, courses on the fundamentals of the software would go a long way for novice and mid-level users. That's basically what most FutureLearn courses offer. Like you, I've used what RL has as teaching material. The videos are just too hurried in my view, and even at full screen, difficult to see the cursor selections and menu. At times, I feel as if the video instructor is more interested in showing how skilled or smart they are than actually the material. That might not be fair because time and bandwidth might be factors. Step-by-step learning for such a complex program is really needed.

I've printed out a lot of tutorial stuff, which helps, but not always. Right now, for example, I'm trying to learn how to eliminate poke-throughs. Some things are mentioned but not shown, so I have to figure out what is being referred to. I just think the type of direct instruction provided by FutureLearn courses is just what is needed and is as close to live classroom instruction as you can get without physically being in a classroom. I sincerely hope RL will explore this option.I could see courses that introduce using CC, for example. Getting to know your way around the menu, features, and so on. Then courses on common concerns like poke-throughs, facial sculpturing with Headshot, applying OBJ and FBX items. Just basic courses on common use. Really high-end learning can happen in this forum because folks who have the fundamentals via FutureLearn could follow advance advice here much easier.

Omen HP17t ck00 -- Windows 11 -- 32GB RAM -- Two 1TB Crucial M.2 NVME Drives -- nVidia Geoforce RTX 3070 -- 11th Generation i9 -- LG 32" QUHD Monitor

Posted 4 Years Ago
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I would like to offer my beginners guide tutorials for feedback.
The more feedback the more I would be inclined to make more and more in-depth if required.

If you would like to know more then DM me.


This is just an introduction to iClone 7.


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Capemedia UK Limited's Website

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I definitely agree. I hadn't heard of FutureLearn, but I'll check it out. I've taken a lot of courses from Gamedev.tv (Their courses are on udemy as well) to improve my programming abilities. What I like about their approach is that they'll teach you the basics of programming/Unity/game development through real projects (they now have more advanced courses). Throughout their courses they'll give you challenges, tell you to pause the video and try it on your own, then they'll walk you through how they'd do it. As they're initially creating a course they'll start rolling out videos and get feedback and if need be they'll redo videos to better explain something, or to teach it in a different way. That process may not be feasible for RL, I'm sure they've got a full plate of things they're working on, but it would be great to have.

I'd love a course lets say on creating fantasy creatures or sci-fi characters in CC3. But only using RL products, and if need be, free third party software to keep it accessible to people. And then they teach the fundamentals as they're showing you how they'd go about making the characters at a pace that is easy to follow. Giving challenges for people to test what they've learned, and then encouraging them to share their work on the forum.

Once enough people have taken the fundamental courses and the skill level of the general community is raised, they could start publishing more advanced courses.

There is some narrative in this forum that you should just experiment and figure things out yourself. Which we all should, but if I can learn from someone more experienced than myself and in a matter of weeks or months increase my skill level to the point that might take me a year or two or more on my own... I'd pay for that.

It'll also increase the retention rate of RL users, result in higher quality projects from the community, and as a result get RL more attention and users.

Not trying to knock RL or even care if its them creating such courses. They've created amazing products that allow me to create stuff in minutes that would take me months or that I wouldn't even be able to do on my own. I'm very thankful for what they've created.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Thank you for sharing! I'll watch your videos tonight.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Lesson is paced well, both in terms of explaining the content and how you use the mouse pointer.
You linger just enough for the viewer to see where the mouse pointer is instead of flicking away at faster than blink speed as so many others do.
The other positive about this is that a Deaf viewer like myself can see read the captions and have time to look up to see where your pointer is located and what you did.
In your video, the resolution is good enough to actually read the displayed menu.
For the most part, the captions are useful and well done. So often Deaf viewers endure captions contaminated with too much junk like misspelled words. Irrelevant words, jungle-jumble, meaningless text and symbols.
You finish what you're talking about instead of jumping into something else without concluding the matter at hand.

Not a negative, really. I learn better via printed material, so while this video was WELCOME change from too many others, I just prefer print material. However, I can see a benefit in having a video like this, plus print material to enhance the education. I'm all GO for that.

Omen HP17t ck00 -- Windows 11 -- 32GB RAM -- Two 1TB Crucial M.2 NVME Drives -- nVidia Geoforce RTX 3070 -- 11th Generation i9 -- LG 32" QUHD Monitor

Posted 4 Years Ago
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JasonWynngard (6/26/2021)

Lesson is paced well, both in terms of explaining the content and how you use the mouse pointer.
You linger just enough for the viewer to see where the mouse pointer is instead of flicking away at faster than blink speed as so many others do.
The other positive about this is that a Deaf viewer like myself can see read the captions and have time to look up to see where your pointer is located and what you did.
In your video, the resolution is good enough to actually read the displayed menu.
For the most part, the captions are useful and well done. So often Deaf viewers endure captions contaminated with too much junk like misspelled words. Irrelevant words, jungle-jumble, meaningless text and symbols.
You finish what you're talking about instead of jumping into something else without concluding the matter at hand.

Not a negative, really. I learn better via printed material, so while this video was WELCOME change from too many others, I just prefer print material. However, I can see a benefit in having a video like this, plus print material to enhance the education. I'm all GO for that.

Thank you for the feedback.  All feedback is essential and very useful for making good tutorials.

I have to say these are the first iClone one's I have ever done but not my first tutorials.  I have done educational and training videos before so your points are bang on when showing for example an arm bunkai :)

I am thinking of doing a lighting and camera basics. Same pace and instruction as my first two.  Would that be of interest to you guys?  


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Capemedia UK Limited's Website

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Hi Capemedia,

I think you did a great overview of the UI. You're easy to understand, you give clear explanations as to what each element is and even explain briefly why you would use various things. You don't go into too much detail as to overwhelm a newbie, but enough to give them a good understanding of where things are and what they do. 

I like that you tell people right away what version you're using. There might be some terminology that brand new users might not understand, but they'd have to point that out. You really did a great job. My only suggestion would be that on the view tab part, maybe show a quick example of you moving around the scene using pan, zoom, and orbit. 

When I switch back to working in iClone, I'll definitely be checking out your other videos. Thank you for sharing!


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