Marketplace Rating Event - Rewards Announcement
We want to thank all of you who shared your reviews to the community.
We received over 1,000 reviews and over 5,000 stars for the great Marketplace content during the event time!
It means a lot to us, to the authors, and to our users who are not sure what is the best content to purchase.
We will be sending out the free 1000 DA Points for members who rated 5 stars to three different authors today.
We also rewarded an extra FREE 5,000 DA Points for the first 15 users who left the most amount of stars.
Here is the list of the users who will receive the extra 5000 DA Points today.
(1) Zack. (2) Steven Abeyta (3) gguimaraes (4) JSL (5) michaelrbarton
(6) ebra studios (7) cnmeyer1980 (8) twist90 (9) debbie harmon (10) pstumpf
(11) patra.tarpan (12) mikekan13 (13) kjw4652 (14) Foxxie (15) siryn30
Thank you to everyone who joined the event! We have more fun events for the community soon. :)
New! Hair Promo Event: Up to 30% off, from now to the July 15th
Forum Administrator