Using Face Key Editor I can turn the morph head, use the detail settings, and sometimes turn just the eyes, but at some point the eyes get locked up and stare straight ahead. They won't move in the face key editor, but it makes a key anyway on the timeline but neither shows nor records any movement. Head moves. Eyes won't. Doesn't matter if I select/deselect eyes or turn anything else on or off in the Face Key Editor, eyes ignore it all. Earlier in the clips I have control over they eyes, then I lose it at a certain point. I'm not recording on top of it or anything, the clip just refuses to turn the eyes (comic still morph eyes).
I found "Head rotation loses rotation response" in known issues and a workaround. This is a similar problem but it's EYEs the don't respond. Resetting speed, breaking clip does not work.
Is this a bug?