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Posted By william.carey30 4 Years Ago
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Posted 4 Years Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 2 Years Ago
Posts: 186, Visits: 606
Hey All!
     For any of my fellow artists / iCloners who have wanted to try game development, but were turned off by the coding, or by 3D characters that looked awesome in iClone looking like crap once imported into a game engine, I think I have the answer!  I just discovered (a few years late, unfortunately) GDevelop, A FREE GAME ENGINE DESIGNED FOR ARTISTS, WHICH PAIRS UP VERY WELL WITH ICLONE. Obviously other iCloners have discovered it before me, and if you search, you can probably find their videos on Youtube.  But I don't think iCloners in general are aware of this, so I made a couple of quick introductory videos, and posted them on my Facebook.   https://www.facebook.com/william.carey.98/
     If you can believe it, no coding is required, and no importing of characters!  GDevelop is not actually 3D, but 2D, however it has isometric view, which LOOKS very 3D.  It also has "3D boxes", in which, for instance, you can make a spaceship fly through very 3D looking space.  To bring your animated iClone character into GDevelop, you simply render as a sequence of images (no background), then, from GDevelop, just go into your pictures, or wherever, and grab them!  A paint program called "Piskel" comes with GDevelop, and you can view the animation in there, or just play it in the engine.  Coding has been replaced by easy to use "events", "conditions", and "actions".  I have had an awesome sci fi game concept in my head for years!  After having basically failed to realize that dream in the Unreal or Unity engines, for the first time I am discovering possibilities instead of limitations, and finding iClone to be much more of an asset than just a program for creating cut scenes!

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