So, I made a prop using the basic shapes in iClone and it looked great. I attached it together and it seemed perfect. I saved it, then had to go to work. When I came back and opened it, it was all blown up and some of the parts were way bigger than I had made them, or even than they had been in the first place. Frustrated and confused, I rebuilt the prop and made sure I attached it properly. Well, now the bounding box is HUGE around it, and the pivot won't show at all. I assumed it was something else in the workspace that I had forgotten or missed that was part of it, far away from the prop, but I'm not seeing anything but my prop.
I did try to animate the wheels before I saved it, but decided to try again later. Would that have had something to do with it?
Thank you! And please keep it simple, as I'm not at ALL versed in the more advanced terms of iClone. :)
Here's a screenshot; the prop is that little thing in the middle.
50% of original size (was 1020x575) - Click to enlarge