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Character Creator 3 Crashing Attempting to Save Character File

Posted By calem.j.bendell 3 Years Ago
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Character Creator 3 Crashing Attempting to Save Character File

Posted 3 Years Ago
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I'm having an issue where my CC3 can save a character file only once.
If I create a character and save it, it's ok, but if I close CC3, open the character file, and attempt to save that file, no changes will be made to the file.
If I try to force CC3 to write to a new file with "save as.." I get a referenced memory could not be read error.
I created a dump file with the heap information.
Unfortunately the file is pretty big at 3GB, so I've uploaded it to OneDrive:!AsQaBfbYzrAdieoOGAsnt-TDNWZ8eg?e=a6Kxub

I've tried a few things.
First I uninstalled and reinstalled.
Then I tried uninstalling plugins and using "vanilla" CC3, which seemed to help at first but within a few tries I was getting the issue again.
Perhaps there's a more elaborate set of steps to replicate the issue?
I'm hoping the dump file will say everything that is needed.

Thanks for any help!
I've been trying to get this solved for a while now with support ticket 195079 and then 195996 and then Issue 7622 in the issue tracker, but maybe someone in the community has a solution.
Posted 3 Years Ago
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I am having the exact same issue.  I have all the Reallusion software installed on my D: drive if that makes any difference.
I can upload a dump file as well if it will help.

The first couple of times it would restore - but now I get a "Failed to initial Smart Gallery.  Local database not connected.  Please contact Reallusion Support, error=6" when it restarts and Smart Gallery doesn't load." message when it restarts.  If I load a project file Smart Gallery comes back.

This is extremely frustrating - I have lost a lot of work because of this.
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Did you open CC3 from the Reallusion HUB or from the desktop? Did you try to export your iAvatar to iClone first?
That way if you have problems sometimes, at least you won't lose your character. Because you can send your character from iClone to CC3
and continue working on it.

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