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Path position transition curve preset default; controlling MixMove walk speed

Posted By TimothyMasters 4 Years Ago
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Path position transition curve preset default; controlling MixMove...

Posted 4 Years Ago
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Last Active: Last Year
Posts: 436, Visits: 802
Is there a way to change the walk speed of a MixMoves walk once the motion is in place in the timeline?  Before placing the move I can click the double-arrow "Speed" button and drag the right end of the move in the motion track to adjust the speed so the character does not skate or Moonwalk along the path.  But that changes the time duration of the move, and sometimes that destroys relationships.  If only I could edit that move and change the rate at which she takes her steps without changing the duration.  I can't find it, though.  Strangely, the older (not MixMoves) motions generally have a speed slider.  Why not MixMoves?

Thank you!

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