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DAZ's NEW Victoria and Michael 8.,1 Compatibility

Posted By LogicalWarrior 4 Years Ago
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DAZ's NEW Victoria and Michael 8.,1 Compatibility

Posted 4 Years Ago
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Hello RL,

So, will there be a conversion for them to be imported into CC3(+) via Transformer? There needs to be a DazResource configuration for it so we can transfer it. 

Thank you so much, in advance!
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I personaly think that the Iclone CC3 figure eco-system
will be better served going forward if Reallusion focuses resources on
delivering promised Character and program upgrades of Iclone 8 instead of chasing after Daz genesis figures and their Pooware oramental 
Gensis "8.1" has a new  PBR skin shader some "vellus" micro hairs
and some new facial morphs...so what??
All of these will be ignored by the transformer tool as it simply copies the morph/shape of the imported Genesis FBX figure onto a native CC3 Avatar
where we already have Iclone native PBR shaders/skingen and 
Iclone native facial morphs for compatibilty with our Live face/Face puppet/audio to viseme script and headshot system.

Ghost Origins
My latest Feature length film created with Iclone.
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AutoDidact (1/27/2021)
I personaly think that the Iclone CC3 figure eco-system
will be better served going forward if Reallusion focuses resources on
delivering promised Character and program upgrades of Iclone 8 instead of chasing after Daz genesis figures and their Pooware oramental 
Gensis "8.1" has a new  PBR skin shader some "vellus" micro hairs
and some new facial morphs...so what??
All of these will be ignored by the transformer tool as it simply copies the morph/shape of the imported Genesis FBX figure onto a native CC3 Avatar
where we already have iClone native PBR shaders/skingen and 
Iclone native facial morphs for compatibility with our Live face/Face puppet/audio to viseme script and headshot system.

In all honesty,  Reallusion will NEVER reach that level in technological features of programs such as DAZ, 3DSMax, Maya, or any of the in-depth, industry used software, because they didn't set their goals out to do such a thing when developing this software. EVERYTHING is a workaround, when it comes to their software. Now, as for visual sound, they have come a GREAT deal of a way from where they started, and yes, I too believe that they will continue to improve in that way. Although, as they are advancing, such as in this post, so are the other companies advancing in their technology and visual enhancements also. Therefore, RL will continue to remain a step behind the rest. Not to throw shade on them, but it's just the reality of it. Now, would I love for that to happen where they do match up to the other companies levels, of course I would!! Then again, why would they use so many different plugins, live-links and ways to channel through to other platforms as such? It's all about knowing your place in the chain and sticking to what you do best in it. They developed this software basically to make ANIMATING easier, with now throwing in a way to create great characters, reducing the heavy polycount, given by other programs, which has worked out for them, ONLY in this way. Credit big time for them on this for sure! ;)

Too bad people are having trouble with the translation process. And I don't even run a system that is over powered with high detailed graphic cards (EVGA GEFORCE GTX 1050 TI only), or what have you, but they transform quite well for me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this software, but where it lacks, there are always other resources in combination of this, to make it work the way it's needed. I don't use them to replace the CC avatars. I use them for more versatility in character development for my movies. They transfer fine for me, and I will continue to go with that process, if possible. :D 
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I agree about Reallusion not being competitive with with Autodesk and other pro industry 3DCC's
I know the current limitation of Iclone and thus use Blender to import CC3 Characters and render with the realtime EEVEE.
others here prefer Unreal engine or Unity.
But Daz studio is Kiddie toy software that is only really good for rendering portraits & pinup still art with the painfully slow the brute for path tracer from NVIDIA.
Daz studio only exists as a free throw away, loss leader product to foment Daz store content sales.
Sure the genesis Characters look really great as long as they remain in Daz Studio, linked to thier Massive Data folders giving them their JCM's and HD morphs.
But export them out of Daz studio and they become ordinary FBX rigs
Daz studio has no Human IK foot/floor contact solver
No particle system
No motion blur.
Daz's graph editor&Dopesheet is primitive and poorly designed&riddled with bugs.
The native Audio based lipsynch tool requires you to install a separate 32 bit version of  Daz studio and has No phoneme editing pallet or lip smoothing options like we have in the base version of Iclone.
Its nonlinear motion clip system is not fully compatible with genesis 3/8
and they cannot legally update it because (like the 32 bit lipsynch tool ) they do not own it ,but licensed it from a now defunct third party.
NO AAA game dev studio or Film VFX studio is using Daz genesis figures
and no serious Character animators are using Daz studio for animated filmaking.

Ghost Origins
My latest Feature length film created with Iclone.
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AutoDidact (1/27/2021)
I agree about Reallusion not being competitive with with Autodesk and other pro industry 3DCC's
I know the current limitation of Iclone and thus use Blender to import CC3 Characters and render with the realtime EEVEE.
others here prefer Unreal engine or Unity.
But Daz studio is Kiddie toy software that is only really good for rendering portraits & pinup still art with the painfully slow the brute for path tracer from NVIDIA.
Daz studio only exists as a free throw away, loss leader product to foment Daz store content sales.
Sure the genesis Characters look really great as long as they remain in Daz Studio, linked to thier Massive Data folders giving them their JCM's and HD morphs.
But export them out of Daz studio and they become ordinary FBX rigs
Daz studio has no Human IK foot/floor contact solver
No particle system
No motion blur.
Daz's graph editor&Dopesheet is primitive and poorly designed&riddled with bugs.
The native Audio based lipsynch tool requires you to install a separate 32 bit version of  Daz studio and has No phoneme editing pallet or lip smoothing options like we have in the base version of Iclone.
Its nonlinear motion clip system is not fully compatible with genesis 3/8
and they cannot legally update it because (like the 32 bit lipsynch tool ) they do not own it ,but licensed it from a now defunct third party.
NO AAA game dev studio or Film VFX studio is using Daz genesis figures
and no serious Character animators are using Daz studio for animated filmaking.

Now, I couldn't agree with you more in regards to DAZ, which is why I REFUSE to even look at their animating feature/design. As a UE4 dabber, I have come to find that DAZ is the LAST choice that I would ever make to do anything with Animating, I also agree with DAZ being strictly for imaging. Even with stating that the features don't always translate over in the skin textures IDENTICAL to that of the native DAZ avatar. All of your points made were HIGHLY valid, and respected.

Now, trust and believe, I am in LOVE with the design of RL's animating capabilities. Even though, it's a stream of hair pulling due to ALL the workarounds that has to be done (which made me look to UE4 as a possible replacement/enhancement), I intend to use iClone ONLY to do my line of work starting my new channel for this year! I'm totally excited about it and can't wait to get started. I FINALLY have the time to invest in it, so I'm going to jump on it while the window is availably open. Just as I do in my Previz work (NDA), I have NO time to waste with character design, and all that stuff. I use the RL Heads pack, Scanlab's Virtual stuff, Hivewire, Elite Characters Pack, SkinGen avatars, or anything that I can create somewhat of a preset character, with just minimal touches (makeup, clothing, accessories, etc.) and get straight to creating, you know what I mean? I leave all that detail garbage to people who focus on stills, and anything else that requires high level details in character crafting. I'm a 3D Film maker, and that's all I focus on...storylines and overall production value! 

Again, my only ties with DAZ avatars, in junction with CC3+, is that I want to use the characters that I already have purchased through DAZ for more versatility in body shapes, and skin features. Although, they do not translate over exactly as if they were in DAZ, they do come over with skin features that I would not have to go in and add in when trying to just get a good looking character to go with. So, as stated above, because DAZ have a great deal of variety, I can just take a few minutes to Transform them as is, maybe change the tone of the skin, add RL hair and clothing (accessories if needed) to it because DAZ hair is WAY too heavy in polycount, SkinGen makeup, and POOF...off to animating! 😁

Posted 4 Years Ago
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Just an example, and I just did this like JUST NOW, given the time it took to import the character over, do the renders for the CC3+ version as well, and take a potty break, as well as eat because I haven't all day yet...:

76% of original size (was 666x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/cc28558e-9c31-4d5c-bb10-7adc.jpg
76% of original size (was 666x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/e2ac6c38-e59e-4ff7-80a5-2fbf.jpg76% of original size (was 666x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/6dccf0a8-5ce3-4e44-b538-3823.jpg

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Now, for me, this is fine. I can work with this. Just add the other stuff, and I'm good to go. I wouldn't have to worry about starting from a base avatar, and then design a whole new face, and body, then apply all the other stuff, then go. It's easier, and faster, for a preset. You know what I mean? 😊

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The 93 minute ,feature length, animated film ,beneath my posts,
was Made with Iclone 6.5 /3Dxchange with Daz genesis 1,2 figures
animated in Iclone & exported from Daz studio to Maxon C4D for rendering.
I had even become a content developer making my own clothing for the Daz genesis figures
The Daz figures offer alot of Character diversity particulary the earlier Genesis 1,2 in my opinion.
Reallusion has always been very generous in helping Daz promote their products by  first supporting  the Genesis figures via 3DXchange and then with the transformer tool in CC3 pipeline.
In return, since the release of CC3 with optional Iray plugin, Daz has treated Reallusion as a bitter enemy
by deleting any post that is supportive of CC3 from their forums.
Now they have apparently broken the transformer tool with this
"update" to Genesis 8 to 8.1
So be it.
I say it is time for Reallusion to stop wasting development resources chasing the "golden unicorn"
and move on with further developing the Reallusion native Character eco-system and export pipelines to the Major 3DCC's and game engines.
I sure love the CC3 export to Blender.

Ghost Origins
My latest Feature length film created with Iclone.
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My Sci- Fi Graphic Novel on Amazon: https://a.co/d/9k3cwoY

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AutoDidact (1/28/2021)
The 93 minute ,feature length, animated film ,beneath my posts,
was Made with Iclone 6.5 /3Dxchange with Daz genesis 1,2 figures
animated in Iclone & exported from Daz studio to Maxon C4D for rendering.
I had even become a content developer making my own clothing for the Daz genesis figures
The Daz figures offer alot of Character diversity particulary the earlier Genesis 1,2 in my opinion.
Reallusion has always been very generous in helping Daz promote their products by  first supporting  the Genesis figures via 3DXchange and then with the transformer tool in CC3 pipeline.
In return, since the release of CC3 with optional Iray plugin, Daz has treated Reallusion as a bitter enemy
by deleting any post that is supportive of CC3 from their forums.
Now they have apparently broken the transformer tool with this
"update" to Genesis 8 to 8.1
So be it.
I say it is time for Reallusion to stop wasting development resources chasing the "golden unicorn"
and move on with further developing the Reallusion native Character eco-system and export pipelines to the Major 3DCC's and game engines.
I sure love the CC3 export to Blender.

Wow, that's really sad to know. I've been a huge support of both brands. 

Oh well, whatever they decide to do, in the end it's their decision and we will have to go with it. So, I guess time will tell what direction they decide to travel in. I'm just here for the ride, that's all. If it makes my life easier, with  more simplicity rather than complexity, then that's all that I care about.

I do see a lot of people push this Blender software. Again, because I'm not into really trying to design and detail, outside of my movie crafting, it probably wouldn't really be something that I invest time into. If that be the case, then I will just finish my training in UE4 and go from there. I just need simplicity to keep it moving. That's what RL delivers in their animation software side of the deal. So, the character crafting, I leave up to my wallet and other people's creativity!! ROFL!! 😂😂

I still would like to hear from them, whether this is what they are going to do, or not. Closure is always the best way to ease the troubled mind! LOL 😁😁
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If I look at the "new" Victoria posted by the OP, I wonder, what's the big deal?

Frankly, with CC and Headshot I can easily create a variety of characters to suit my needs. 

RL, having been very accommodating vis-à-vis DAZ in the past, will probably try to do something about this, if possible.

DAZ, no longer being a fan of RL for a long time, may have tried to break the conversion permanently, who knows...:unsure:

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Genesis 8.1 has some new facial blend shapes that
(from what I have read) ,are more compatible with external facial mocap system dev kits (FACS)
Moot... the CC3 transformer tool shape projects the Character morph
of the imported  Daz FBX onto a base CC3 Avatar where we use the CC3/
Iclone native facial profiles for our Many Facial animation & lipsynch options Live face, Audio scripts ,face puppet,face key etc.
Genesis 8.1 has a new PRB skin shader
Moot...our skingen is PBR with better options for scars,wrinkles tattoos etc.
Genesis 8.1 has some new mesh fiber "micro vellus hairs" for close up ,rim lit still shots etc.
Moot.. we are largely not a community of still portrait artists and we are getting our cinematic motion blur in Iclone 8 and a new hair/beard generation system for Character creator.
Lastly if you have not already taken advantage of the thousands of Character morphs  for the Decade of  Daz genesis figures up until genesis 8.1 ,most are still available in the Daz store.
Like Animagic, I find nothing particualry compelling about this lateral, Pooware ornamental ,"update" 

Ghost Origins
My latest Feature length film created with Iclone.
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