As I have said in other threads, Iclone doesn't have the architecture for teamwork.
it is practically impossible to exchange content purchased on the marketplace and
I'm not talking about the liscences and plugins that one must buy for each workstation.
However it is extremely well suited for a one man band but to do previz animation.
To obtain precise animations you have to spend as much time as on other animation software
and the result is not even at the rendezvous because it is still limited in access to all the functionalities
(facial bones / blendshapes, compulsory keyframe self-recording, etc.)
Iclone has an excellent rendering but you have to know the basics of lighting/shadow on the one hand and understand the utility
global illumination as well as the importance of IBL. Curiously in this field Iclone is the easiest tool I saw but lot of amateur people doesn't use them...
For me it's not the girls booty dance that makes the software amateur, just watch the dances
of Bassline03 rendered in UDK 4 which gets the jaw on the ground.
The videos that make Iclone an amateur are only due to a lack of directing and lighting knowledge.
I sincerely believe that if the next update of the facial animation is convincing, Iclone will take its
place in the same way as CC3 in the professional environment.
I forgot to talk about particles but that's another story :P