I followed the instruction for Re-targeting ActorCore files in Blender as shown in this video ...
"ActorCore Tutorial for Blender - Retargeting Motion for AutoRig Pro" and that worked moderately well. (I'm using Blender 2.9, but it looks Blender 2.8 is used in the video and a couple of things look & behave differently).
I then followed the instructions in the same video for COMBINING animations, one after another.
I combined a WALK and a RUN (using Blender's Non-Linear Action editor). The character does the WALK, then the character does the RUN.
The problem I'm having is that after the WALK animation is completed, the RUN animation flips back to the origin (starting point)
instead of continuing from where the WALK finished.
Can anyone suggest how to have RUN animation follow a WALK animation, but have the RUN start at the point where the WALK finished?
Thanks for any advice.
Merry Christmas,
Melbourne, Australia