Animatic Media
Animatic Media
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Why do we have a "tongue" if we have no way to modify it to make blend shapes? no sliders, and no way that I can tell to modify the mesh or position. Seriously!! Can someone please address this issue.
Posted 5 Years Ago
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I agree, it is kind of annoying that we can't do this out-of-the-box since the tongue is already a separate mesh. I did, however, figure out a way to do it and made a video about it. The only downside is that you will have to be at least a little comfortable with Blender or some other mesh editing software.
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If you have CC3 Pipeline, it has some basic mesh editing tools that may be enough. Just make sure to use the soft-selection when selecting faces.
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I just uploaded this Available from The Crank's Creations in Prop masters or my Store Agudo Animations.