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CC Digital Human Contest 2020-Hiro Nakazawa

Posted By hirospot 4 Years Ago
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Title: CC Digital Human Contest 2020 - Hiro Nakazawa
-CC2 Oriental model: Let's Dance "Yume to Hazakura" (Cherry Tree in leaf )
  (Animated Character)
Hello Members, this is Hiro from Japan, personal user of iClone and CC, hope to check my personal report here.
Please allow me to submit the very basic character with no additional modeling.

The CC2 used to provide the Asian Female model in the Template.
Because of my little experience with modeling, the submission is limited to her facial modification with morph sliders.
Her ponytail hair is selected from iC 7 Template and her cloth was purchased from the MARKETPLACE.

Project: CC2 Oriental model: Let's Dance Yume to Hazakura
1.  Facial modification for the CC Asian Female Character
     Following Morph parameters were provided on her face.
      Fig1. CC2 Asian Female Character Facial Morphs
     Fig2. Modified Face on the Character Creator
     Fig3. Cloth with make-up face: CC2 Oriental Model

2. Hair and Cloth
    Soft Hair and Cloth were selected for the dance animation.  
      Hair: iC7/Actor/Body Part/CC Hair/High Pony Tail (Base Color was changed to black)
      Cloth: CC_Evening_Wear
3. Turn Table Template
       Fig4. Turn Table Template on the iC 7. Animation of the Turn Table is shown on the ARTSTATION.

4. Animated Character: Dance Animation (YouTube)
     CC Digital Human Contest 2020 - Let's Dance "Yume to Hazakura"
        Fig5. Let's Dance Yume to Hazakura (夢と葉桜:Dream and Falling Leaves)
     「CC Digital Human Contest 2020」Tag was added.

Thank you,
4 Years Ago by hirospot

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