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CC Digital Human Contest 2020 - Data Juggler - Realistic Human Character Randall

Posted By Data Juggler 5 Years Ago
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CC Digital Human Contest 2020 - Data Juggler - Realistic Human...

Data Juggler
Data Juggler
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Subtitle: Create a realistic character in about 15 minutes

Character Name: Randall

This is the most realistic character I have created yet using Character Creator Headshot Plug-In.
This is also among the characters I had to do the least amount of modifications after creating, which is very important to me because time is my least abundant asset.

Turn Table Video - Take 3.

My first video I found a hole in the characters shirt and I noticed the hair gave off too much shadow so I changed the hair to receive only for shadows.

Headshot - Character Randall - Male - 60's:

I purchased the image used for the headshot from depositphotos.com. I buy 100 images at a time, so roughly $1 to create this.
I had everything else.

74% of original size (was 676x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/37b175d1-4d60-4932-a61a-1898.png

The beard from the source image has a little more hair, but I have never grown a beard in my life as I feel dirty if I haven't shaved after 24 hours, so I am not a fan of beards. I am 100% OK with less beard, since I prefer it this way.

Next I dressed my character in jeans and the Plain Base T-Shirt, and tennis shoes.

74% of original size (was 676x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/65032325-461e-420c-bc75-8923.png

Next I changed the base texture of the T-Shirt to a Stock Photo I already had.

74% of original size (was 676x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/9370324b-be89-4502-b0d8-672f.png

I had to modify the Offset values for the image:

74% of original size (was 676x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/eb75b005-a9da-4056-ad8e-3c08.png

This rotated the stock photo and created a better shirt.

I also set Glossiness to 0 on the Modify tab, so the shirt went to a dark colored background. The difference between 0 and 1 (sounds like my day job) on glossiness is actually more than it should be.

Next I added a hair, which is part of Tokomotion Modern Styles Hair (Vol 2, I think, but maybe I have 1, not sure).

74% of original size (was 676x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/5927a6da-4ed9-4f27-99f4-6645.png

Then I changed color of the hair using the Adjust Color button.

74% of original size (was 676x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/c444de8a-6c28-489a-b58b-e4f7.png

When I sent my character to IClone, I noticed some holes in the shirt, so back to CC I went, and repeated the process a few times since I couldn't duplicate the issue in Character Creator, yet in IClone a hole remained.

74% of original size (was 676x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/2732975c-7b0f-4c4e-b008-897a.png

It turns out, my pose in IClone was part of the conform problem. I had to adjust the shirt about six times to fix it, so I went back and moved the characters right arm forward a little, and this fixed the issue in IClone, so I went to CC and changed Increase Size from .8 to about .5, and it worked and the shirt looks more natural.

Helpful Tip for Reallusion:
IClone / Character Creator Wish List: It would be nice if when a character arrived in Character Creator if it had the same pose as it when it left IClone so Conform issues could be resolved. Your current 'Make A Suggestion' is the one area you should make easier and not limit people to any number of suggestions. It took me about 6 round trip edits to solve my conform issues, and this is common when dealing with Conform issues.

Being able to do this inside of IClone would also solve this problem if opening with the same pose is too difficult (seems easier to code a pose to me than adding socks in between shoes and legs and I have seen you do that).

End Wish List -

I know there are tons of great features in Character Creator, but to me Head Shot Plug-In is the best.
I have looked at a few of other artists creations, and all are better than I am. To me the value is in being able to create amazing looking content in a short period of time like this character. I recreated this character for the WIP because I had already built him, and the second time took a little longer or seemed like it.

Just like in real life, dressing a man takes about 1/3 the time as dressing a woman.

Reallusion Character Creator has transformed from good, to better to awesome in just the few years I have been using it.

Headshot Plug-In seems like Star Trek to me. I have a few celebrities on my to do list to try an animate in the near future.

Animated video coming next if I have time.

Creator of the free website:
A Free Online Text Based Image Editor
74% of original size (was 676x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/6e6663e2-0ecf-447a-ab3d-d49d.png

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