Greetings to the organizers and participants of the competition!
My name is Roman Kogay, I am an artist and 3D modeler from Uzbekistan.
For the last 2 months I have been busy with work, but periodically I studied the possibilities of CC and methods (pipeline). I guess it's time to try creating my character. Since there is almost no time left,this will be a 2-day sprint to speed up my idea :hehe:
I am inspired by the progress of technology in our time.
But did robots exist two or three centuries ago?..
Of course, legends about living humanoid statues circulated in ancientGreece. And in the 18-19th centuries, these were mechanical devices, clockwork dolls. Automatons.
Theywere created for the entertainment of the public. Automatons danced, playedmusical instruments, and wrote with a pen to the amusement of ordinary peopleand high society.
My character is an automaton. He was created to perform at social events, entertaining high society ladies and gentlemen. One of hundreds of thousands like him. He became a silent witness to many secrets andintrigues.
But what if the mechanical body of an automaton has a mind and a heartbeats?.. If its memory of the past can be extracted in the future? Fix a broken Victorian doll and give it new life behind the glass of the laboratory. How will he feel in his new life?
This character is deeply psychological, I will try to convey the inner pain of a creature whose purpose is to entertain the audience in the past and become an object of experiments in the future.
I will post here the process of working on this character.
Also you can visit me on ArtStation:
Let's start!:)
P.S. Guys, sorry for my English. This is not my native language