Loading in mocap captured from a Rokoko suit so trying to characterise their rig.
I've a couple of problems. Fingers have 5 bones (including the tip):
- RightFinger2Metacarpal
- RightFinger2Proximal
- RightFinger2Medial
- RightFinger2Distal
- RightFinger2Tip
but the 3DXChange mapper has only four slots (3 bones and the tip).
What's the best way to handle this?
Similarly, the Rokoko feet have:
- RightFoot
- RightToe
- RightToeTip
but the 3DXChange mapper has only RightFoot and RightToeBase.
Should I map RightToe or RightToTip to RightToeBase?
Any help or advice, much appreciated.
Unity Virtual Reality Developer