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HELP - "Introduction to Face Tracking For Dummies" Needed

Posted By Brickhumme 5 Years Ago
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HELP - "Introduction to Face Tracking For Dummies" Needed

Posted 5 Years Ago
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Last Active: 4 Years Ago
Posts: 27, Visits: 89
I've used Crazytalk for years (and years and years). I'm interested in the possibility of doing facial and shoulder animations with the Face3D Tracker and Motion Tracker (my apologies if I'm getting the names wrong). But try as I might, I can't get the demo to map my reasonably symmetrical face. At this point, I believe you have to be in Cartoon Animator (why, oh, why not Crazytalk?) and you need to have the two supplemental plug-ins working. BUT, being new to Cartoon Animator, I can't figure out how to open or create a face (unlike Crazytalk) or how to like that face to the input from the plug-ins.

Mind you, I don't need to fully understand everything yet: I just want to try it out to see if I should buy it - after which I can learn the detailed stuff.  So...

•What apps and plug-ins do I need?
•And special order when turning them on?
•Is there a demo face/head I can work with and, if so, where would I find it?
•With the Face3D tracker on, it shows my face and the marker spots - but I can't figure out how to map that to a character face.

I've combed the demos and tutorials and none of them quite tell me how to do this (in part because I'm on a Mac, and many of the tutorials are showing the Windows interface). Also, I have to use the webcam as I don't have an iPhone. Any help would really be appreciated! Thanks!
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
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At present, the Face 3D Profile feature has been changed to Motion Live 2D plug-in. Please see our instructions.
1. Since you're a Mac user, the currently available Profiles are Face 3D and Live Face(iPhone feature). Other Body Mocaps are not supported.
The software you need is CTA4.0 or higher version. Using Motion Live 2D to open the Webcam connection.
2. You should be able to connect smoothly for motion capture by following the steps in the tutorial link below. If there is any unsuccessful operation, please describe it more clearly or attach a screenshot to help us understand.
3. For versions above CTA4.0, we can use any Templete G3_360 Characters Like Martha_F, Philipp_F to connect with Face 3D. You can also create a 360 Head or use Morph Head to connect.
4. Please follow the tutorial steps mentioned in the second point to connect. If your CTA and Motion Live versions are correct, there should be the same screen. Similarly, if there is any unsuccessful operation, please describe it. Make it clearer or attach a screenshot to help us understand.

In addition, Webcam's face capture is not worse than iPhone's, and the difference in face capture would vary by the character's sophistication.

Hope you will have a great experience with the facial mocap!


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