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AF to CTA4 plugin not working!!!!!!

Posted By animood7 4 Years Ago
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the latest vertion of the after effect to cartoon animtor4 plugin is full of bugs!!! 
i tried evrything but yet when i open the jason file withe th AF plugin the camera & the props dont export well!
the camera & the charecter are flying all around .
i noticed that all of the offical tutorials about the plugin are using the old vertion of the plugin 9.11.1 maybe this is the problam
.. maybe someone can tell how can i gett the old vertion of the AF to CTA4 plugin vertion 9.11.1 ?
Peter (RL)
Peter (RL)
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Please can you report any issues you find in the Feedback Tracker and the CTA team will investigate. Do try to detail the steps you take so the team can try and reproduce the issue. Ideally if you can provide a video  capture showing exactly what happens then that will really help. Thanks.


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