Posted 5 Years Ago
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Hi I am trying to add some motions to my motions puppet folder and I have found a cracking video by warlord on how to do this. Unfortunately the video is quiet old and is using iClone5 and I cant get it to work in iClone 7 Any body got any ideas? I have noticed that IC7 uses rlmotion files and IC6 uses iMotion files i dont know if this is the problem. Maybe their is a way to save motion files from mixamo into an earlier file format like imotions Many thanks Nick
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Here's a more recent video.
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Thank you so much rampa The video you have posted is in iC6 and uses imotion files. IC7 uses rlmotion files. Now I have downloaded a mixamo file that comes in has a fbx file and put it into 3DX7 and tried to save just the animation. It comes up as a rlmotion file. when I put it in the new Base folder in presets it doesnt register it, but if i put an old IC6 imotion file into the new presets folder it registers it. So how can i create an imotions file so i can put that in the new preset file and therefore use it in my motion puppet.
Hope you understand
Many thanks
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If you collect clip and save, or just right-click a clip and save, choose "iMotion" from the options directly below where you type in the name. There are options for both RLMotion, and iMotion.