Actually, now that I think about it a little more, if you had 4 characters 'spaced out' at the beginning of the path, but all reaching the end at the same time (frame), the characters 'behind' would have to travel faster to catch up. So maybe the trick is to stagger the start/end frames of each character, but keep the duration along the path (# frames) the same for all. Like this:
Start Frame End Frame
Char 1: 1 1000
Char 2: 61 1061
Char 3: 121 1121
Char 4: 181 1181
Make sure all characters are at 0% for start frame and 100% for end frame and all start/end on the same points, or stagger end points with same offsets as start points (if you need to see them separated at start and end of path)
Reallusion Certified Director / Reallusion Best Visual Award / Reallusion Certified Content Developer
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