I despair. For over a year, if not a lot longer, I have berated RL for many things – one main bugbear being the removal of the once totally easy to use Decal features that could add tattoos or logos to skin or cloth. Read and weep for the old days:
iClone Character Creator provides Decal feature in the Texture tab of Modify panel. You may then use this feature to add tattoo,scars or any special patterns or prints onto the surface of the skin. The advantage is that you are able to scale, rotate or move the decal to any place on the body without the need to edit the original texture image of the body.
Note: ‘…you are able to scale, rotate or move the decal to any place on the body...’
Finally, CC3.3+ arrives and seemed to bring this function back. But no. We get one tattoo, (or scar or whatever), for the scalp and one for the body. These, even if we wanted to use them, can’t be resized or re-positioned, e.g. to the other arm – and if they can be then it is certainly not easy nor intuitive. But wait, we can do whatever we want (I think) if we layout $$$$. What a surprise, from free and easy, to reach for your wallet! And please note that tattoos are almost as common as eyes, ears and arms in today’s world so should be there, editable, from the start, just like it was. And please don’t tell me to create things in an earlier base and convert because that is the point – why are we reduced to going backwards to do something that is meant to be an UPgrade?
And if CC3+ fixes the tattoo problem (if you want to pay) what happened to a logo on a shirt? Again that was so simple but everything seems to have disappeared, unless the upgrade has pushed them in a dark corner,and if so, can someone please enlighten me on how to now go about this once dead-easy task?
Another bugbear is the chaos that is the contents etc. I have more choice of hair and eyes etc in iClone than I do in the more obvious CC. Why? Please, 'create' the cast in one programme – the one with the word in itstitle might be a clue which - and the other deals with sets, props and performance.Simple.
In fact the joys of upgrading meant I had to trace my purchases back in my account and reload 153 items - so far, there might be other things missing-, but before I went there, as a last resort, I had gone through all the Templates (odd name) of CC/2/3 iC5/6/7 Uncle Tom Cobley and all, etc in a fruitless and time-wasting search. Is it not possible to have one folder for shirts, or pants or coats etc that covers ALL versions as well as the two programmes? Though, as stated, they shouldn’t logically be in iC7 in the first place.
Thank god I am a casual RL user because I really would hate to have to cough up for CC4 or iC8, and I wish I had never bothered with CC3 because CC2 worked just fine. Rant over!
4 Years Ago by