I am just trying to wrap my head around all the amazing transformations and advancements in the past 9 months or so - almost overwhelming (but in a good way).
What is the relation between the "digital human shader" which seemed to focus on various layers but also on SubSurface Scattering (SSS) a lot,on the one hand, and SkinGen on the other? I know SkinGen has scads of layers for normals and textures and so forth.
Does SkinGen build upon a material created using the digital human shader or are the two systems separate?
I guess this may be a bit of a newbie question, but both sets of tools require an investment in time to perfect. I was just beginning to wrap my head around the digital human shader (skin, eyes, teeth, etc.) and I am wondering if I should put that learning experience on hold because it is already superceded? Or do the two complement each other.
If someone who understands both and whether they contribute to each other could help clarify I would greatly appreciate it. I am willing to keep putting in the time to keep developing my skills to create "digital human" characters - but the last couple of days I was losing sight of the forest for the trees.
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to share their expertise,