this YouTube video (iClone Facial Animations for Digital Humans / Atlas One - by Leo Lucien-Bay), the character's eyes sparkle very bright. And I really like that. So I made a CC3+ character using Headshot Pro, and brought it to iClone 7 and set up a scene similar to the YouTube video by having a spotlight directly illuminating the character's face's center as Leo explained in his other video. I haven't inserted any HUD yet. But somehow I can't seem to make the eyes sparkle at all.
So I searched and found this post in this forum (
How to bring sparkle to a character's eyes?), which basically said to adjust the reflection slide on the cornea material. But the problem is, the reflection slide on the cornea material is not even activated, so I can't adjust it.
I lowered the opacity too. But I can't seem to activate the reflection slide. I played with literally each and every slide but nothing makes the eyes sparkle one bit.
Any help would be appreciated.