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Mesh exported from CC3 can't generate normal hair in blender

Posted By 5 Years Ago
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Mesh exported from CC3 can't generate normal hair in blender

Posted 5 Years Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 2 Years Ago
Posts: 31, Visits: 116
Hello, I'm having an issue where if I duplicate the scalp of the model from CC3 and try to put a hair system on it, the hair will not behave normally at all. If I try to comb the hair, some parts can't move or bend downward. If I use hair simulation, it lags blender horribly and the hair will twist and turn like crazy. Even if I export just the scalp and grow hair in a new project, it still does the same thing. I'm using blender 2.83. Please help.

Edit: It looks like the problem caused by having collision modifier on the body. If I removed all collisions, the hair simulation goes smooth. But I want to be able to use collision.

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