Posted 5 Years Ago
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I wanted to make some terrains with vegetation. My question is, if you use Total Plants in creating the environment is there a way to store the placement of the trees so that someone with the Total Plants 2 pack can just load the whole scene and not have to place their own plants and trees? I basically want to put together a ready-made scene and I'm not sure if it's possible to do it, or if it is possible --how do you do it without infringing on Reallusion's Total Plants 2 content?
Posted 5 Years Ago
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I can be a beta-tester ;) Take the Basic heightmap with 2 or 3 trees from the pack ( that I bought) and post the project as zip file.
Posted 5 Years Ago
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Will, I believe that saving as 3D Scene would give you what you want. It's been a while but I have done that in the past, I think...:unsure: EDIT: So I tried this and that is how you would do it: save as 3D Scene. It will include water and sky as well.
Posted 5 Years Ago
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I think what I'm asking is being misunderstood. I'm not asking a "How to" question in a sense that I need to help building a scene. I'm asking if it is permissible to use Total plants to build a ready made scene that you can share or sell, but not include only the placement and sizing of the assets so that if someone tries to open it and doesn't have Total Plants 2, they get an error message that it's required to view the ready-to-render scene.If they don't have it then they just would see the terrain. But I am curious to know if you can save the placement of the trees but not include them in the actual file that's being shared or sold. I don't want to try and re-sell Total Plants, but I would like to create some scenes that are essentially ready to render when it comes to forests or meadows or whatnot -for people who do own Total Plants 2.. At this point I don't even know if it's possible to do, which is why I'm asking. Hopefully Peter or Miranda will be able to chime in at some point and shed some light on this.
Posted 5 Years Ago
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I see. I don't think you can save just the placement. There's not something like a dummy tree. But if people don't have the trees they would just get a watermark. Total Plants would then be derivative content.