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I can't click Motion Puppet, help :(

Posted By william.averitt 5 Years Ago
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I can't click Motion Puppet, help :(

Posted 5 Years Ago
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Last Active: 5 Years Ago
Posts: 1, Visits: 3
Hey guys, basically I've been trying to animate my character for quite a bit now, have yet to make any progress.
I tried using blender, but I got another set of problems there that won't let me animate.
I try iClone now, and well, I just can't click Motion Puppet. I believe that's the primary tool to make animations here. I used this before a while back, with a character creator character, and it worked just fine. This character I'm trying to animate started off in Makehuman, and I gave it a rig / skeleton importing and exportion from Mixamo, so.. with this skeleton, I would think it should be able to animate?
I don't know what's preventing  me from clicking this, I looked around and tried Window>Workspace>Reset Layout, and here's a screenshot where my motion puppet button is greyed out. Is it that my character can't be animated for some reason? if so, why? Why is it greyed out and I can't animate? :( Thanks a lot in advance.

 75% of original size (was 672x19) - Click to enlargehttps://forum.reallusion.com/uploads/images/4269da02-af64-4dda-811a-9ebe.png

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