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Tips on creating G3 character with dress

Posted By josephnarai 4 Years Ago
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I've made my own G3 character based on MarthaF. I'm stuck on the best way to implement legs with a medium length dress. I've tried adding pins, and splitting up the dress into overlapping parts for each leg, but nothing really works. The best I have so far is to just have the whole dress in the HIP - but then when the knee or leg goes outside the dress it looks bad (see the image).
Any suggestion, step by step, or example characters would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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josephnarai (5/16/2020)
I've made my own G3 character based on MarthaF. I'm stuck on the best way to implement legs with a medium length dress. I've tried adding pins, and splitting up the dress into overlapping parts for each leg, but nothing really works. The best I have so far is to just have the whole dress in the HIP - but then when the knee or leg goes outside the dress it looks bad (see the image).
Any suggestion, step by step, or example characters would be greatly appreciated.

I have a test to try making a dress animation, this is my testing.
My suggestion is to separate the hip sprite, one the upper dress, and part of the dress.
You can use the Prop Key Editor to modify the animation for fitting the character.

Posted 4 Years Ago
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Thanks for taking the time to create the example, I'll have a go at doing that for my animation!

I was hoping there was a way to do that automatically - as in, have the dress stretch when the legs move outside the boundary of the dress (automating the process you outlined in your video). Would be a great feature to add! 

Alternatively, something that limits the legs movement to inside the dress, in the case where you want to keep it restricted.

Kind Regards,

Posted 4 Years Ago
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Should I add this as a feature request somewhere?
4 Years Ago by josephnarai
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josephnarai (5/18/2020)
Should I add this as a feature request somewhere?

Sure you can pass your wishful to Feedback Tracker or Wishful Features forum.
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Perhaps, you might want to zoom in so as not to show the bottom part.
YouTube Tutorials Here
Posted 4 Years Ago
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Not an option for the story. But thanks.

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