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Need suggestions on cleaning up openpose animations and importing into iClone

Posted By delebash 5 Years Ago
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Need suggestions on cleaning up openpose animations and importing into...

Posted 5 Years Ago
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I have successfully imported mocap data created from openpose into iClone but it seems clunky to me.  I was wondering if anyone has tried this before? Just looking for suggestions that may help make the mocap animations from openpose work better/smoother with iClone.  Note I am not saying this is an iClone issue it is probably that the openpose estimation is still not good enough, but that is what I would like to verify.

First if you do not know what openpose is let me explain it and my workflow.

Windows 10
Nvidia RTX 2070 super

Software used:
iClone 7
3Dxchange 7
openpose  generates keypoint mocap data from video or webcam  --Windows 10
MocapNET  converts openpose json files to 1 bvh file -- runs on ubuntu 18.04 used vmware

My input, output, and script files are shared in the link below!Aq4OgSZRh__uiYIDLtZUzK_p4KWQig?e=g4uoQI

Steps taken after mocap file is created and converted to bvh using openpose and MocapNET 
1) Open output from-openpose-to-MocapNET in bvhacker.  --Clean up and T-post.  Select prepare and choose the top option down to T-pose and save as out-from-bvhacker-tpose-cleanup.bvh

2) drop out-from-bvhacker-tpose-cleanup.bvh into 3DXchange  --this will allow you to clean up your t-pose and map bones from your bvh file to Iclone format
3) Click Convert to Non-Standard Character
4)  Match the bones and make adjustments to t-pose.
5) Click load t-pose and select openpose.3dxTPose -- I made a template with a few changes to the pose such as lifting up the head ect.
6) Match the bones from iClone template to your character
7) Do this by selecting Daz4 Genesis preset.  You will see the default bones match up.  You will need to set or adjust the spine, neck, and hands to match the correct bones.  
How do I save this preset.  Once I match the bones I should be able to create any mocap from openpose and load my custom preset that matches the bones?  Right now I have to start over with Daz4 Genesis preset.
8) Click active to check your mocap out-from-bvhacker-tpose-cleanup and click preview.  Then set active back to 00_Tpose\
9) You should have a Green light if not you need to check that all basic bones are connected
10) Click convert
11) Select your motion in the Motion Library and click Add to Preform if it is not already added
12) File>Export take defaults
13) Add a character to iClone
14) Open iClone and goto poses>Motion>Custom you should see your pose in a folder apply it.

Good video from reallusion for converting bvh files to iMotion.

Any help in smoothing this mocap-- when I use it in iClone it seems cluncky
Also how do I save my custom bone preset in 3DXchange?


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