thebiz.movies (4/29/2020)
You seem to have a concern with this event but many who participate are looking for a fun and entertaining use of their skills and time. I'm not sure how many professionals are entering the 48 hr contest in the animation category. I don't think anyone is deceived or misguided here. Yes, there is a 30$ fee to participate. Yes, the organizers get paid. That is the way it works. They coordinate the event, gather the participants and promote the movies. They add legitamacy to the event through 13 years of action. Its a strange hill to make your stand on but that's fine as you don't need to participate. There's the idea for a movie - "A Strange Hill"
Actually, I am fascinated by this schematic...I like this idea more and more and can see why 48HFP is doing it
Develop a system where
(1) people forward you their ideas, and they pay you
(2) someone else arranges and takes on the financial risk of promoting your cause, and they pay you
(3) sponsors pay you for the ideas which you have harvested at no cost
But then, the best part - you will have participants defending the legitimacy of this system, without being paid to do so.
A strange hill indeed.