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1 little annoyance and 1 suggestion

Posted By william.carey30 5 Years Ago
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Last Active: 2 Years Ago
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Hello All!
     Every once in a while I realize I've been working around some little thing in iClone, and never got around to putting it in the forums, in case I'm just missing something.  So when you go into project settings, and upload and activate a 2D image for your background, there is no "trash can" symbol to delete the image.  Changing the image is no problem, but deleting the image, while staying "activated" (which gives you a gradiated gray background instead of solid), does not seem possible.
     Totally unrelated to the above.  When I use TTS to add voice to a character, modifying the MS Zira, Hazel, or David stock voices, it always comes out sounding monotone, though it alters slightly if, for instance, I end a sentence with an exclamation point.  Would it require a gigantic effort (for all I know it might) to have, say, a happy, sad, and neutral version of each voice?  We already have the neutrals!

                                                                                            Bill Carey

Posted 5 Years Ago
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Hi William.Carey30

I can't help with the first problem but maybe give some insight into the second one. Since starting to play with iClone, voices have been my bane. TTS is not dependent on iClone (or any Reallusion product) but on what you have on your system. There is some software out there that can add *some* inflection using scripting (and/or is just better all around, with more voices to pick from), but figuring out which one will do it affordably is a trick. Lots of the TTS is either awful or hideously expensive (because it's really meant for big businesses to add voices to paid apps). I'm currently playing with Amazon Polly (which is NOT user-friendly to set up) to get affordable access to better voices with some scripting for inflection, but it took a day just to figure out how to sign up for it and I don't even have it installed yet (sigh).

The other option is to record your own voice. A lot of people in the forums are using MorphVox Pro to change voice recordings (a recent suggestion from wendyluvscatz with examples: I've played with it a little and have to agree the biggest drawback is the noise/distortion many recordings have. Another one I bought is Voxal,, which also has a cleanup app you can get that helps get rid of the distortion, etc. It really depends on what you're trying to do...I'm not entirely happy with any of the above (hence I keep trying) but maybe using all of them (sigh) I can accomplish what I want. 

Anyway, that's my overview of the options I'm aware of. Hope it helps!

Life-long learner and having waaaay too much fun with iClone! Youtube Channel: 3DChick
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Thanks for the info!
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TTS aside, why don't you record your own voice and manipulate it to suit the product you're working on? I've been into the music scene for 30+ years and over the years both the tools and the quality has been getting better and better and the tools more accessible than ever.. not to mention free stuff....  Paid solutions that doesn't cost a fraction of what i paid back in the days either.

Let me know what you're requirements are and the maximum budget and i'll check it up what it might take to get there.. Many products today can apply realt-time changing of your voice directly when you set the recording into monitoring so you spend less time editing afterwards.. The expression you get by recording your voice though rivals every digital representation any day of the week.. + your endproduct get's so much more genuine


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