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Audio playback out of sync with waveform in the Visime track in timeline

Posted By forestkelley 5 Years Ago
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Audio playback out of sync with waveform in the Visime track in...

Posted 5 Years Ago
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Group: Forum Members
Last Active: 5 Years Ago
Posts: 18, Visits: 121
I realized that when I play audio in iClone 7 in the Viseme track in the timeline, it doesn't match at all with my audio waveform. I realized this when trying to add phonemes via the Lips Editor and couldn't get anything to match. After some inspection, I see that the scrubbing of audio actually matches well to the audio waveform. However, when I simply press play, the play head begins to fall way behind the audio waveform. If I stop the playback, it will start as expected and, for a moment, will play the audio at that point. But the longer it plays, the more the audio/voice gets ahead of the audio waveform. And I don't' mean by a little; it's off by a lot. If I play three of four sentences, it falls behind by about a sentence. To say it another way, in normal playback, the audio waveform is too long in the timeline. When scrubbing, it seems fine.  

I'm exporting/bouncing from Logic Pro. I've tried bouncing as both .wav and .mp3 as well as 16bit and 24bit with a sample rate of 44.1. But no luck.        

What could be wrong?!

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