I love your Goddesses of War series. I am working on Content to put in my Marketplace store, But I just cant quite seem to figure out how to do it. I have exported the avatars to FBX and then import into Blender, but I dont know how to attach the Prop/Accessory to the Avatar.
I have also been able to bring in accessories into CC3 and use them on My Characters, but I cant get them to save as an accessory that can be sent to the marketplace with Smart Gallery.
If you would have any time, and or would be willing to get on Skype with me, I would appreciate the hell out of it.
I have had a fellow market place owner from Germany who did get on with me and show me some things, but it was some what overwhelming with the things that I am not familier with. I should have recorded it with my recording software, but I hadent thought of that at the time.
He also owns a Game Production company there and the Corona Virus thing is causing him major problems with his company.
Anyway, please let me know if you would and or have time to help me out. I love your stuff. It is similar to things that I am working on.